office, kuala lumpur, bhp

New and existing suppliers

We have a range of guides, links and other resources available to support our suppliers when engaging with BHP.
ipad, man

Manage my tenders

Log in to GCMS for registered suppliers to complete and maintain your company profile, and to respond to a request for Tender/Quote/Information

Eliminating Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment from BHP

BHP is committed to removing sexual assault and sexual harassment from our business. One of the steps we are taking to achieve this is updating our Minimum Requirements for Suppliers document. This update requires our suppliers to provide a work environment free of Sexual Harassment and have policies, processes, procedures and support systems in place to ensure their employees feel safe and supported. We take Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment very seriously and require that our suppliers take the necessary steps to ensure they are compliant, and are providing a safe environment within their workplace. 

Learn more about the Minimum Requirements for Suppliers.

Supplier resources and materials

Across FY23, BHP is supporting all employees and contractors to take part in Active Bystander training, to help break the trend and empower us to call out disrespectful and harmful behaviours. We are now asking all vendors to support our shared journey towards safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces by making a commitment to having Active Bystander conversations by September 30, 2023.

The program is designed to drive discussion and reflection for your workers through four x 10-minute training modules. We encourage you to use the Active Bystander content in existing team meetings such as pre-start discussions, as safety shares or as part of team training. 

Access the Active Bystander training materials;

7 day payment terms for small, local, and indigenous suppliers globally

  • Who is impacted?

    This change benefits approximately 4000 supply partners across 31 countries, including in our key operating regions of Australia, Chile, the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Trinidad and Tobago.


  • Business description

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Use this link to download a copy of Frequently Asked Questions about the change to payment terms for small, local and Indigenous suppliers.



    Utilice este enlace para descargar una copia de las Preguntas frecuentes sobre el cambio en las condiciones de pago para proveedores pequeños, locales e indígenas.




  • Eligibility Information for Minerals Australia

    Download information about the regions around our operations in Australia where businesses eligible for seven-day payment terms are headquartered.

A guide for new suppliers 

All new registered suppliers must log-in to Global Contract Management System (GCMS) and create their SAP Business Network (Ariba) account to ensure quick and successful on-boarding, and streamlined transactions.

Safety and ensuring our suppliers and their team members have access to necessary training and information is BHP's number one priority. It is a requirement for all third party personnel working at any BHP site and/or using BHP systems, to set up a Contractor profile in one of BHPs Contractor Management Systems.

This profile then provides personnel with access to BHP’s Learning Management System.

  • Guide to creating supplier GCMS profile
    There are a few things to note when completing a supplier GCMS profile:
    • BHP sends an email invitation from the BHP Supplier Portal (GCMS) to suppliers
    • Suppliers can then log-in to GCMS using the link provided in the email to complete their company profile
    • Suppliers need to complete their profile in GCMS within 2 business days of receiving the email
    • Please allow at least 30 minutes to complete the registration and ensure you have the following documents and information available before commencing:
      • Company information including contact and banking details  
      • Proof of Evidence of Incorporation
      • Proof of bank account in the form a bank statement, deposit slip, or a void cheque dated within the last 12 months
      • Supporting documents for diversity categories, if applicable
    • Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk (*) and must be answered 100%
    • Provide Proof of Evidence of Incorporation.
    • Once the registration is complete, BHP will review the GCMS profile and complete the vendor on-boarding process

    For more information on how BHP will collect, use and manage personal information, please see BHP’s Privacy Policy.


    All suppliers must fulfil the Minimum requirements for suppliers - BHP HSEC, human rights and business conduct requirements set.


  • Step by step guide to on-boarding to GCMS

    The GCMS platform is used throughout BHP for the Source-to-Contract process, Supplier Lifecycle Management and Contract Lifecycle Management. This enables greater collaboration between BHP and our valued suppliers and partners. 


    Access to GCMS is by invitation from BHP Procurement. This will not impact any other BHP systems (for example, Ariba, Procon, etc.)  
    We look forward to improving the way we collaborate and create shared value with our suppliers and partners by embracing a new way of working. For any questions or clarifications, please approach your BHP Supply point of contact. 


    If you have received an email requesting to register your organisation in GCMS, please follow the below documents for guidance:
  • Step by step guide to on-board to SAP Business Network (Ariba) 

    BHP‘s goal is to have industry-leading, digital capabilities that drive collaboration with our valued suppliers. SAP Business Network provides a simple, transparent and fast way to manage purchase orders, send and to receive payment. This will streamline how we do business in the future.

    1. New Suppliers : Are automatically enrolled to use a Standard account (fee free)
    2. Existing BHP Supplier : Will be gradually transitioned to SAP Business Network. This commences with a Project Notification Letter from BHP or SAP. Purchase orders are sent to the new account and once the supplier receives a GoLive Notification email they can commence transacting.

    Refer to the BHP fact sheet explaining how to select an account, functionality and support contacts.


    Guía paso a paso para embarcar a SAP Business Network 

    El objetivo de BHP es tener capacidades digitales líderes en la industria que impulsen la colaboración con nuestros proveedores. SAP Business Network proporciona una forma sencilla, transparente y rápida de gestionar órdenes de compra, enviar y recibir pagos. Esto simplificará la forma en que hacemos negocios en el futuro.

    1. Nuevos proveedores: Se inscriben automáticamente para utilizar una cuenta estándar (sin cargo).
    2. Proveedor existente de BHP: Se realizará gradualmente la transición a SAP Business Network. Esto comienza con una Project Notification  Letter de BHP o SAP. Las órdenes de compra se envían a la nueva cuenta y, una vez que el proveedor recibe un correo electrónico de notificación de lanzamiento, este puede comenzar a realizar transacciones.

     Consulte la hoja informativa de BHP que explica cómo seleccionar una cuenta, funcionalidad y contactos de soporte.

  • Training guide on how to use SAP Business Network (Ariba) account

    The BHP Supplier Education Portal contains videos and guides to help you succeed. A guide will cover all processes, while a Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to provide fast step-by-step advice with limited screenshots.


    Enable 1-step Invoicing       

    Your new account can save you time. Just activate GRN-Flip for Goods (find out more) and 1-step Service details are available in the QRG STD Quick Start & Common Issues  

    Guide to Common Issues 

    SAP Business Network uses purchase orders created by BHP and sends documents such as invoices back. Sometimes there are problems in how a document was created that causes issues. Our guide will detail these issues and explain how to resolve them or how you can contact to help QRG Quick Guide to Resolving Issues homepage.


    Tener éxito con una cuenta de SAP Business Network 

    El Ariba BHP Portal De Información De Proveedores contiene videos y guías para ayudarle a tener éxito. Una guía cubrirá todos los procesos, mientras que otra Guía de Consulta Rápida (QRG) está diseñada para proporcionar consejos rápidos paso a paso con capturas de pantalla.


    Guía de problemas comunes


    SAP Business Network utiliza órdenes de compra creadas por BHP y devuelve documentos como HES. A veces hay problemas en la forma en que se creó un documento y causa errores. Nuestra guía detallará estos problemas y le explicará cómo resolverlos o cómo puede ponerse en contacto para recibir ayuda QRG Guía rápida para resolver problemas

  • Overview of BHP contractor management systems

    At BHP, we put in place measures to ensure our total workforce is safe and that all workers understand what is expected of them when working with BHP (or on a BHP site). To support this, we need to ensure that all contractors have access to the right information and access to the necessary mandatory training before working at any BHP site.

    Suppliers with personnel working at a BHP site (including our operations, offices or even remotely) and/or within BHP systems through a BHP login, are required to have a profile for each individual registered within a relevant Contractor Management System to access mandatory training through BHP’s Learning Management System (LMS). 

    • New Suppliers: A contractor administrator account will need to be setup in a relevant contractor management system. If your personnel are working within a BHP Global Function (such as Human Resources, Finance or Commercial), you will need to register each individual on BHP’s Contractor Website ( to access training in BHP’s LMS. If your personnel will be working at a BHP Asset (for example, Western Australia Iron Ore or Coal), your Contract Owner or Site representative will be able to provide guidance on the Contractor Management System to access.

    • Existing Suppliers: Register all Supplier personnel currently accessing BHP sites, city offices, off-site locations or remotely in a relevant contractor management system. If you and/or your team are already set up in one of BHP’s contractor management systems (ERMS, SureSite, DOTS, Pegasus, CWS), continue using the system to on-board any future personnel. If your organisation is not currently setup with one of the above mentioned systems, register each individual on BHP’s Contractor Website (
  • Step by step guide on using the Contractor website

    To register on the Contractor website:

    • Register a nominated person from your organisation as a Contractor Administrator on the Contractor Website. The Quick Reference Guide (QRG) explains how to setup as a Contractor Administrator in the Contractor Website and create a Contractor profile.
    • Receive confirmation via email that administrator access has been granted. 
    • Log onto the Contractor Website to request the creation of a Contractor Profile. This must be done for each individual person that will be working at a BHP site location (either remotely or physically).

      • Proof of identification will need to be submitted as part of every individual contractor profile setup to validate identity and confirm accuracy of profile details. 
      • Ensure you comply with any local regulatory requirements as it relates to Data Privacy, including the obtaining consent from the nominated individuals to collect and share proof of identification with BHP.
      • Any personal information / data provided in the Contractor Website will be handled in accordance with BHP’s Global Privacy Notice for BHP Workers and deleted automatically once the contractor profile is created. Refer to the CWS Information Sheet for more information – available in both English and Spanish.

    Support and helpful links

    • To find out more on the Contractor website got to
    • Further queries you have on the Contractor Website, contact here.
    • For BHP’s Global Privacy Notice refer here.
  • Guide on contractor access to BHP’s Learning Management System

    To enable Service Contractors to access the Learning Management System the below needs to be completed to align with cybersecurity controls BHP has in place to protect its people and systems.


    Contractors working at BHP:

    • New Contractors will receive an email to activate their LMS logon account and setup their password that is at least 16 characters in length with added complexity.
    • Change passwords regularly when prompted
    • Complete Multifactor Authentication (email) if logging in externally using personal laptop from home, a mobile phone / tablet, or an external office computer. This will be required every time contractors log in externally to BHP’s network.
    • From 25 May 2024 all contractors will be required to complete MFA when accessing the Learning Management System (LMS) if logging into the LMS from outside BHP's network (including BHP offices and sites). E.g. when using their own personal laptop or tablet or using a computer at a Contractor/Vendor contracting company's offices. To satisfy the MFA step, they will need to enter a One Time Passcode (OTP) that will be sent to their e-mail address every time they access the LMS

      For more information on how to complete the Log In process including; activating a new account, setting a password and completing the MFA requirement we have created explainer videos to assist you.

      For new contractors, click here.
      For existing contractors, click here.

    To ensure LMS access is properly setup for our service contractors, we ask that the following details are complete and accurate in the relevant Contractor Management System(s):

    • Their full legal first name and last name
    • Their up-to-date personal/individual email address – not shared inbox or administrator-managed inboxes. 

    Your Contract Owner or Site representative will be able to provide guidance on the Contractor Management System to be used for site or operation.


    Need more information?

All Goods and Services supplied to BHP are required to be supplied in accordance with the applicable BHP Purchase Order Terms and Conditions unless a separate overriding written contract has been entered into with BHP.

HayPointMineSite 2021

Minerals Australia suppliers

The Minerals Australia asset group includes operated assets in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. Our assets focus on copper, iron ore, coal and nickel.

Escondida Renewables

Minerals Americas suppliers

The Minerals Americas asset group includes projects, operated and non-operated assets in Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. Our assets and projects focus on copper, zinc, iron ore, coal and potash.

SouthWalkerCreekEmployeeTestingWater 2021


At BHP the safety of our operations, workforce and the communities in which we operate is our number one priority. It is important that all suppliers are aware of their safety obligations, the role they play as a supplier and how we are working to make it safer and easier for our contractors to work at BHP.