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Tax and transparency

BHP has a long-standing commitment to transparency.

We have disclosed details of our tax and royalty payments for more than 20 years and we have continually updated and expanded our disclosures. We recognise taxes and royalties are important sources of government revenue and are central to the fiscal policy and macroeconomic stability of countries. Paying the right amount of taxes and royalties enables governments to finance and deliver on their development plans for the benefit of the broader community to promote sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and reduce poverty and inequality within and among countries.

We believe companies should pay their fair share of tax and countries should have taxing rights commensurate with value created in those countries. We also believe it is important that a country’s tax policy settings remain stable to provide businesses with the certainty needed to invest and continue to operate and support the communities in the countries where they operate.

Economic Contribution Report 2024

Our Economic Contribution Report discloses our total economic contribution for FY2024, globally and in the key jurisdictions we operate, and includes additional information:

  • Our payments to governments by country and project
  • Our approach to transparency
  • Our contribution to the development of tax policy
  • Our approach tax governance and risk management
  • Our approach to compliance
  • Our approach to stakeholder engagement. 

Our total economic contribution was US$49.2bn

US$25.3bn in payments to suppliers
US$11.2bn in payments to governments
~90,000 number of employees and contractors
US$9.5bn Our payments to governments in Australia
US$1.5bn Our payments to governments in Chile
US$0.2bn Our payments to governments in other countries

2024 total economic contribution (US$M)

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BHP's tax principles and strategy

Our approach to tax is underpinned by Our Charter and Our Code, and is embodied in our Tax Principles.

Learn more about BHP's Tax Principles and BHP's Tax Strategy.