Following our March ballot, bargaining with the Union and bargaining representatives has continued and we have taken time to consider valuable feedback. During this time, we have shared a number of updates to our proposed OS Production EA package. We have now decided to put the proposed Enterprise Agreement to our national OS Production team for a ballot between 17 and 21 July 2023.
This is an important process in securing the future of Operations Services and continuing on to deliver value to BHP’s operations. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact your Superintendent, or email

Proposed Operations Services Production Agreement
Read the proposed agreement

We want your feedback
Ask a question or send us your feedback
Record of meeting
Record of Meeting - 14 November 2024
Record of Meeting - 6 November 2024
Record of Meeting - 28 October 2024
Record of Meeting - 9 September 2024
Operations Services Production Agreement Bargaining Overlay as at 6 September 2022 (attachment to Record of Meeting 16)
Record of Meeting - 6 September 2022
Record of Meeting - 26 July 2022
Record of Meeting - 22 June 2022
Record of Meeting - 26 May 2022
Record of Meeting - 12 April 2022
Record of Meeting - 23 November 2021
Record of Meeting - 14 October 2021
Record of Meeting - 9 September 2021
Record of Meeting - 4 August 2021
Record of Meeting - 29 June 2021
Record of Meeting - 31 May 2021
Record of Meeting - 21 April 2021
Record of Meeting - 15 March 2021
Record of Meeting - 23 February 2021
Record of Meeting - 11 February 2021
Record of Meeting - 23 December 2020
Operations Services Production Agreement – Update 16On 6 September 2022, we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AWU and a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Production Agreement.
Upon commencement of the meeting, the CFMMEU advised OS that they were no longer prepared to engage in bargaining in its current format and were seeking to find a ‘circuit breaker’ to progress negotiations. The AWU and employee Bargaining Representatives confirmed they were in support of the position taken by the CFMMEU. The CFMMEU are seeking that OS engage in facilitated bargaining in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) and advised OS that they had commenced making an application in the Commission.
OS confirmed that we are seeking to reach agreement with the parties and noted that although the parties remain apart on a number of issues, we believe some progress had been made in recent times.
OS is disappointed in the position taken by the Unions and Bargaining Representatives and will now consider its own position moving forward.
The meeting did not go ahead as planned and no further bargaining meeting has been scheduled.
OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our Production team members. Our objective is still to make an agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Please check the online information hub ( for the latest Agreement updates, including the proposed OS Production Agreement and Record of Meeting which contains full details of our discussion. -
Operations Services Production Agreement – Update 15On Tuesday, 26 July 2022, we met with representatives from the CFMMEU and a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Production Agreement. Representatives from the AWU were invited to attend the meeting, however were unavailable.
During the meeting OS responded to a number of questions and proposals raised by Bargaining Representatives and the CFMMEU, including flight and accommodation arrangements, critical skills allowance and annual leave. OS considered the CFMMEU’s proposed amendment to the annual leave clause in the agreement, which included the requirement for annual leave requests to be considered in isolation without any regard being had to other employees leave arrangements and the resource/workforce plan. OS is unable to agree to the proposal as it needs the ability to effectively resource the operation to ensure a safe and successful operation.
During the meeting, the CFMMEU advised that they reject OS’ proposal to pay out personal leave on cessation of employment if the parties were able to reach agreement. The Bargaining Representatives confirmed they were in support of the CFMMEU’s position.
In the interest of progressing bargaining, all parties will continue to consider their positions and where they may be able to move, ahead of our next meeting which is scheduled for 6 September 2022.
Our objective is still to make an agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Please check the online information hub ( for the latest Agreement updates, including the proposed OS Production Agreement and Record of Meeting which contains full details of our discussion. -
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 14 - 24 June 2022On Wednesday, 22 June 2022, we met with representatives from the CFMMEU and a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Production Agreement. Representatives from the AWU were invited to attend the meeting, however were unavailable.
During our meeting, OS invited feedback on the proposed changes and updated draft Agreement shared at the last meeting. No additional feedback was received, however the CFMMEU and Employee Bargaining Representatives advised that they maintained their position on all proposals and are seeking a comprehensive agreement.
The CFMMEU tabled two additional claims relating to annual leave and travel subsidies. OS will consider these claims and respond during the next meeting.
OS has continued to consider the feedback from Unions, Employee Bargaining Representatives and employees, in particular enhancements to our personal/carer’s leave proposal. During the meeting, OS advised that we are prepared to consider a proposal which includes the payment of personal/carer’s leave on termination of employment, if the parties are able to reach agreement on all matters.
At this stage the parties remain apart on a number of areas and the CFMMEU and Employee Bargaining Representatives are still seeking a comprehensive Agreement, which is inconsistent with OS’ objective for a simple, safety net Agreement for our Production team members across Australia. Further information is available in the Record of Meeting.
In the interest of progressing bargaining, all parties will continue to reconsider their positions and where they may be able to move, ahead of our next meeting which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.
Our objective is still to make an agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Please check the online information hub ( for the latest Agreement updates, including the proposed OS Production Agreement and Record of Meeting which will contain full details of our discussions.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 13 - 8 June 2022
On Thursday, 26 May 2022, we met with representatives from the CFMMEU and AWU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Production Agreement.
During the meeting, OS responded to the revised CFMMEU proposals and draft agreement. OS has agreed to drafting changes for a number of clauses relating to:
- Part Time employment
- Overtime
- Call Backs
- Training
- Accident Pay
- Overpayments
- Personal Leave
- Long Service Leave
- Stand aside and stand down
OS also advised the parties that the draft OS Production Agreement had been updated, including the above clauses, and would be circulated with the Bargaining team ahead of the next meeting.
The CFMMEU and Bargaining Representatives also discussed in further detail their proposal for payment of sick leave on termination of employment and during the course of employment (maintaining at least one year’s balance), which was supported by OS employees who recently signed a petition.
At this stage the parties remain apart on a number of clauses and the CFMMEU and AWU are still seeking a comprehensive Agreement. OS was unable to agree to most of the revised CFMMEU proposals as they are inconsistent with our objective for simple, safety net Agreement for our Production team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Full details of the responses provided by OS are available in the Record of Meeting.
In the interest of progressing bargaining, all parties will continue to reconsider their positions and where they may be able to move, ahead of our next meeting which is scheduled to take place during the week commencing 20 June 2022.
Our objective is still to make an agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Please check the online information hub ( for the latest Agreement updates, including the updated proposed OS Production Agreement and the Record of Meeting which will contain full details of our discussions.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 12 - 14 April 2022On Tuesday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD) and a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement. The AWU and some Employee Bargaining Representatives were an apology at this meeting.
The meeting focused on discussing and understanding the CFMMEU and Employees Bargaining Representatives’ revised proposals. The CFMMEU tabled a revised draft Agreement.
OS will now take some time to consider the revised proposals put forward by both the CFMMEU and Employee Bargaining Representatives and intends to present a revised draft Agreement ahead of the next meeting.
After more than 12 months of active bargaining, OS and the bargaining representatives remain apart in our positions and objectives for the proposed OS Production Agreement.
The next Production Agreement bargaining meeting has been planned for the week commencing 23 May 2022.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including this week’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 11 - 23 November 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
Discussions continued on the proposed OS Production Agreement, as well as the proposals from the CFMMEU and AWU.
OS has now responded to all the CFMMEU and AWU’s proposals from the last bargaining meeting.
Despite bargaining over 11 months, OS and the union bargaining representatives remain largely apart in our positions and objectives for the proposed OS Production Agreement.
The CFMMEU indicated that they intend to table new proposals for the Company’s consideration in the coming weeks.
Given the festive season is approaching, the parties agreed it was timely for a well earned break, and that we would reconvene again in the New Year to continue to progress bargaining.
The next Production Bargaining meeting has been scheduled for 16 February 2022.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 10 - 14 October 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
Discussions continued on the proposed OS Production Agreement, as well as the proposals from the CFMMEU and AWU.
The CFMMEU tabled their outstanding claims and a number of revised proposals at the meeting today. OS responded to all counter proposals put forward by the CFMMEU and AWU from the last bargaining meeting.
While we continue to table and respond to positions, unfortunately little progress is being made. At this point in time, OS and the union bargaining representatives remain largely apart in our positions and objectives for the proposed Agreement.
The next Production Bargaining meeting has been scheduled for 23 November 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses”
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 9 - 9 September 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
Discussion continued on each of the subclauses in the proposed OS Production Agreement.
The CFMMEU and AWU today tabled their outstanding positions in respect of a number of areas of the proposed Agreement including classifications, salaries and bonus. Both the CFMMEU and the AWU are seeking a similar position, in line with their proposed scope, to have the current OS minimum salary rates, as well as the details of the Company Incentive Program, included in the Agreement.
The Union bargaining representatives also responded to the proposals put forward by OS at the last meeting. While none of these were accepted, alternative positions were offered for OS’ consideration.
The next Production Bargaining meeting has been scheduled for 14 October 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 8 - 4 August 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
Discussion continued on each of the subclauses in the proposed OS Production Agreement.
OS responded to the revised proposals put forward by the CFMMEU (QLD) at the last bargaining meeting in respect of Annual Leave, Crib Breaks, Personal/Carer’s Leave and Redundancy.
OS tabled a number of revised positions that we might seek to take on the proviso that the Union Bargaining representatives further consider their position and make concessions in some areas.
OS also formally requested that all Union Bargaining representatives table their outstanding proposals by (or at) the next bargaining meeting in respect of classifications, salaries, bonus, hours of work & allowances.
The next Production Bargaining meeting has been scheduled for 9 September 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 7 - 29 June 2021Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
OS tabled its revised position in relation to the Issue Resolution procedure.
The CFMMEU (QLD) tabled its revised positions, including Annual Leave, Crib Breaks, Personal/Carer’s Leave and Redundancy. OS will consider and respond to these at the next bargaining meeting.
The remainder of the meeting was centred around discussion on each of the subclauses in the proposed draft OS Production Agreement. This has enabled a better understanding of where the parties are aligned and apart in respect of the proposed draft OS Production Agreement.
The next Production Bargaining meeting is scheduled for 4 August 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 6 - 31 May 2021Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
OS continued to reiterate its position that we are still seeking to make a National Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
OS responded to the outstanding items that were raised at the last bargaining meeting in regards to a number of specific proposals put forward by the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW). OS indicated it would consider amending the current proposed clause in regards to Issue Resolution, and will table further details in respect of this at the next meeting.
At this point in time, OS and the union bargaining representatives remain largely apart in our positions and objectives for the agreement.
Bargaining for the Production Agreement continues and the next Production Bargaining meeting is scheduled for 29th June 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting. -
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 5 - 21 April 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
In the meeting, OS responded to the outstanding proposal put forward by the union bargaining representatives in relation to Personal / Carers leave. All proposals and OS’ responses to these will be provided with the Record of Meeting, which is able to be accessed by all Employees.
There were also lengthy discussions about a number of specific proposals previously put forward by the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW). OS and the union bargaining representatives continue to remain largely apart in our positions and objectives for the agreement.
OS continued to reiterate its position that it seeks to make a simple, safety net agreement for our Production team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives remain that we are still seeking to make a National Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
The next Production bargaining meeting is yet to be scheduled.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses.
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 4 - 15 Mar 2021Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
The CFMMEU (QLD) tabled a revised position on scope: they are seeking two separate Agreements – one agreement for Coal, and one agreement for non-Coal operations, covering both Maintenance and Production Employees. The AWU and CFMMEU (NSW) confirmed their support of this position.
OS has responded to all other proposals received to date from the Union and the Employee Bargaining representatives. All proposals and OS’ responses to these will be provided with the Record of Meeting, which is accessible by all Employees.
We have received over 100 proposals in relation to our proposed simple, safety net Agreement. OS has asked the Union bargaining representatives to consider their key proposals to focus future discussions to make progress in bargaining. The CFMMEU (QLD) confirmed that they will continue to seek a full and comprehensive agreement. OS reiterated its position about making a simple, safety net agreement, and that all proposals are viewed through the lens of simplicity, flexibility and cost competitiveness. At this point in time, OS and the union bargaining representatives remain largely apart in our positions and objectives for the agreement.
The next meeting has been scheduled for 21st April 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting, which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses. -
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 3 - 23 Feb 2021
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU, as well as a number of Employee Bargaining representatives to continue discussions on making an Operations Services Production Agreement.
During the meeting, we reaffirmed that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our production team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Following the last bargaining meeting, the AWU tabled their revised position in regards to scope, such that they are seeking two agreements for Production - one for Coal, and one covering all other mining. One of the Employee Bargaining representatives tabled their proposals in respect of a number of items for the Company’s consideration.
Based on the proposals that had been received to date from the CFMMEU (NSW & QLD) & AWU, the Company has now had an opportunity to review the proposals, and provided our responses to those during the discussions today.
As outlined today, many of the proposals that have been put forward do not align with our objective of seeking an agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members and puts at risk OS’ ability to remain cost competitive. As such, the Company is not in a position to be able to accept a large portion of the proposals that have been tabled.Those areas where OS has agreed to make changes are in regards to the following:
- Minimum break time between shifts
- Annual Leave
- Personal / Carer’s Leave
- Compassionate Leave
Details of all the matters discussed today will be provided with the Record of Meeting, which will soon be available in the online information hub.
The next meeting has been scheduled for 15 March 2021.
Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreements updates, including today’s Record of Meeting which will include the full list of proposals received to date and the Company’s responses to these. -
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 2 - 9 Feb 2021Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) and the AWU as well as an individual bargaining representative to continue discussions on making a Production agreement.
During the meeting, we reaffirmed that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our production team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Prior to the commencement of the bargaining meeting, the CFMMEU - QLD, CFMMEU - NSW and AWU provided extensive lists of proposals for the Company’s consideration.
The CFMMEU - QLD division seeks an agreement to cover Queensland based Employees only. The CFMMEU - NSW seeks an agreement to cover OS Employees at Mount Arthur Coal Mine only. OS and AWU seek an agreement that covers all our employees across Australia.
Having only had a brief opportunity to review the significant number of proposals put forward by the unions during the meeting, it is apparent that we are largely apart in our positions at this time. We will consider all the proposals through the lens of simplicity, flexibility and cost competitiveness to ensure that OS can continue to remain market competitive and grow.
The next discussions have been scheduled for 23 February 2021.
In addition, thank you to everyone who has provided employee feedback as part of this process. There are a number of items raised that we are carefully considering and exploring further and look forward to reporting back to our teams via our online information hub at
Please check the online information hub for all the latest Agreements updates, including today’s Record of Meeting. -
Operations Services Production Agreement Update 1
On 8 December 2020 we shared our proposed Operations Services Production Agreement and invited you to provide your feedback and questions in relation to this. Since this time, we have received a large number of feedback forms with your thoughts, ideas and suggestions regarding the proposed Agreement. We have received feedback on areas including:
- Leave entitlements
- Flights and accommodation
- Superannuation
- Working arrangements for Christmas / Boxing Day
- Allowances
- Accident Pay
- Salaries / bonus
Some employees have provided feedback seeking representation and asking us to engage with the default union bargaining representatives.
Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU (QLD & NSW) & AWU.
During the meeting, we shared that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our production team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
Disappointingly, the unions were not prepared and ready to discuss the content of the Agreement or present any proposals during the meeting, despite us arranging the meeting at their request. Consequently, we were not able to engage in any meaningful way.
OS is listening and we continue to seek your feedback on our proposed Agreement. We will continue to consider your feedback in line with our objectives for our Agreement. Please continue to provide feedback to your line leader, or via our online information hub at