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We continue to bargain for a national enterprise agreement to cover our Operations Services Maintenance workforce performing work on mining operations.

This is an important process in securing the future of Operations Services and continuing to deliver value to BHP’s operations. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our dedicated email address at

prodagreement 2021

Proposed Operations Services Maintenance Agreement

Read the Proposed OS Maintenance Enterprise Agreement - Draft as at 7 February 2025, below.

Employee Bulletin

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 17 - 2 September 2022
    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU and AWU, together with Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    Upon commencement of the meeting, the AMWU (QLD) advised OS that they were no longer prepared to engage in bargaining in its current format, in circumstances where they believe we are bargaining in perpetuity and are unlikely to reach agreement. 
    OS advised that we are seeking to reach agreement, and noted the parties continue to have different objectives for an Agreement. The other bargaining representatives present advised they were aligned with the AMWU (QLD) and the meeting did not go ahead as planned.

    OS is disappointed in the bargaining representatives position and will now consider its own position moving forward. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the Record of Meeting which contains full details of our discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 16 - 25 July 2022
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU and AMWU (WA), together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  

    Prior to the meeting, the AMWU (QLD) advised OS that they reject OS’ proposal to permit cash-out of personal leave on termination of employment if the parties are able to reach agreement. Instead, they are seeking significant changes to OS’ proposed Agreement including salary tables and guaranteed salary escalations. AMWU (QLD) also advised they reject OS’ proposal to enhance the issue resolution procedure to include arbitration without consent of both parties, subject to reaching agreement on the length of term of the proposed Agreement. Instead the AMWU (QLD) advised that they would be prepared to agree to a four-year term subject to OS agreeing to the CFMMEU’s draft dispute settlement procedure in full. 

    During the meeting, the bargaining representatives present advised that they support the AMWU (QLD)’s position.
    At today’s meeting OS responded to a number of proposals including tabling a revised proposed clause 6.5 to make it clearer that where an apprentice or trainee is employed by OS ACPM Pty Ltd undertaking maintenance activities on a mining operation, they will be subject to the Agreement. Full details of all proposals and responses can be found in the Record of Meeting. 

    OS is disappointed that the bargaining representatives have rejected our proposals and will continue to seek feedback on its proposed Agreement. The parties will meet again for further discussions on 1 September 2022. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the Record of Meeting which contains full details of our discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 15 - 16 June 2022
    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU, together with an Employee Bargaining Representative, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    During the meeting, OS invited feedback on the proposed changes it shared during the last bargaining meeting. Union bargaining representatives shared that while they agreed in principle with some of OS’ proposed changes, they did not believe the changes met their proposals in full. 

    The parties continued discussions on outstanding proposals, with the AMWU citing salary escalations,  travel subsidies, retention payments, enhancements to the issue resolution procedure and recognition of higher rates of pay for work on Christmas and Boxing Day as being core issues.

    OS advised that we continue to consider our position, having regard to employee feedback, as bargaining progresses. OS noted that we are hearing that employees would like to be able to cash-out their personal/carer’s (sick) leave entitlements in-service or on termination of employment. Given the pandemic, OS sees benefit in employee’s retaining their personal leave entitlements for use if required in-service, but we advised we are prepared to consider cash-out of personal leave on termination of employment if the parties are able to reach agreement.  

    OS also advised that we are prepared to make further enhancements to the issue resolution procedure, including enabling arbitration at the Fair Work Commission without the consent of both parties, if we are able to reach agreement on the length of term of the proposed Agreement. 

    The parties have agreed to consider the proposals put forward during the meeting, with further discussions scheduled for 25 July 2022. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the Record of Meeting which contains full details of our discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 14 - 12 May 2022
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    During the meeting, OS responded to the revised CFMMEU proposals. While OS has agreed to drafting changes for clauses relating to overpayments, overtime, stand aside and stand down, and the issue resolution procedure, OS was unable to agree to most of the revised CFMMEU proposals as they are inconsistent with our objectives for an Agreement. Full details of all the proposals and responses can be accessed via the Record of Meeting. 

    The CFMMEU, AMWU and AWU continue to press for a comprehensive Agreement. In the interests of progressing bargaining, all parties have agreed to reconsider their positions and where they may be able to move, ahead of our next meeting which has been scheduled for 15 June 2022. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the updated proposed OS Maintenance Agreement and the Record of Meeting which will contain full details of  our discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 13 - 1 April 2022

    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  

    Prior to the meeting the CFMMEU tabled a revised draft Agreement for OS’ consideration. During the meeting OS asked questions to ensure it understood the CFMMEU’s position. A number of bargaining representatives also spoke through proposals and issues which are of importance to them, including travel and living arrangements, wages and wage escalations and rosters. OS agreed to respond to revised proposals at the next bargaining meeting, which has been scheduled for 12 May 2022. 

    OS shared it has made changes to its draft proposed Agreement, including updates to the entitlements in:

    • Clause 5.3 – Part Time Employee arrangements
    • Clause 7.6 – Call Backs
    • Clause 7.7 – Payment for Company directed training outside of rostered hours
    • Clause 7.13 – Accident Pay provisions
    • Clause 12.1 – Personal/Carer’s Leave

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the updated proposed OS Maintenance Agreement and the Record of Meeting which will contain full details of  discussions.

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 12 - 17 February 2022
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    As this was our first meeting for 2022, OS recapped that during the last bargaining meeting in November 2021 it shared an updated version of the draft proposed OS Maintenance Agreement with changes to the drafting of four clauses. 
    OS invited bargaining representatives to provide feedback on its draft proposed Maintenance Agreement, or share any other proposals they wanted to table. Despite advising OS during the last meeting in 2021 they were updating their proposals, the CFMMEU (QLD) did not have updated proposals ready to discuss today. They have again advised OS they will update their proposals ahead of the next meeting, which has been scheduled for 31 March 2022. 
    The parties discussed a number of other topics including flights and accommodation, rostering, travel time and OS’ employment hubs. The parties noted they continue to press their positions, and remain apart on the construction of the Agreement. Full details of the discussions can be accessed via the Record of Meeting. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the updated proposed OS Maintenance Agreement and the Record of Meeting which will contain full details of  discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 11 - 25 November 2021

    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, AWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  

    OS shared an updated version of the draft proposed OS Maintenance Agreement with changes to the drafting of four clauses:

    • Clause 6: OS has added wording to provide certainty for our Employees that transfers outside of their designated hub (being either the East Coast hub, West Coast hub or South Australia hub) will only occur via agreement between the Employee and the Company;
    • Clause 8: OS amended the superannuation clause to comply with recent legislative changes;
    • Clause 9: OS has added wording to provide certainty that meal breaks will be paid; and
    • Clause 15: OS confirmed long service leave will be paid at an employee’s Annual Salary rate.

    During the meeting OS explained the changes, as well as responded to a number of outstanding proposals. Full details of all proposals and responses tabled to date can be found in the Record of Meeting. 

    Despite agreeing at the last bargaining meeting to consider their positions and come prepared to discuss any changes they were willing to make, no bargaining representatives tabled alternate positions for discussion. The CFMMEU advised they are in the process of updating their proposals and will do so ahead of the next meeting, which has been scheduled for 17 February 2022. 

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 

    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including the updated proposed OS Maintenance Agreement and the Record of Meeting which will contain full details of  discussions.

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 10 - 21 October 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, AWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    Prior to the meeting, the AMWU (WA) tabled proposals for OS’ consideration. Today the AMWU (WA) presented more on their proposals and OS asked questions to clarify understanding and intent. OS has agreed to respond to these proposals  at the next bargaining meeting, which has been scheduled for 25 November 2021. Full details of the proposals tabled can be found in the Record of Meeting. 

    Bargaining representatives then continued discussions on the subclauses within OS’ proposed Maintenance Agreement. 

    OS restated it continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow. 

    OS shared that while we want to move bargaining forward, it will not be at the expense of our objective of a simple, safety net agreement that supports our business now and into the future. Ahead of the next meeting, all parties agreed to consider their positions and come prepared to discuss any changes they are willing to make in the interests of meaningful discussion and progressing negotiations. 
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting which will contain full details of today’s discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 9 - 15 September 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, AWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    During the meeting bargaining representatives responded to a number of the proposals tabled by OS at the last meeting, and advised some proposals were still under consideration. Full details of all the proposals and responses provided can be found in the Record of Meeting. 

    Bargaining representatives outlined their general positions with respect to minimum salaries and the structure of an incentive scheme being included in the proposed Agreement, however did not put forward specific proposals.  The AMWU advised they do not believe we can reach agreement on these issues while the parties remain apart on the proposed scope and structure of the Agreement. 

    The next OS Maintenance Agreement bargaining meeting has been scheduled for 21 October 2021. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting which will contain full details of today’s discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 8 - 5 Aug 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, AWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  
    During the meeting OS responded to proposals tabled by bargaining representatives at the last meeting. Full details of all proposals and responses can be found in the Record of Meeting.  
    Following this, the parties continued discussions on the clauses in OS’ proposed Maintenance Agreement. OS tabled a number of alternate proposals which bargaining representatives have agreed to consider and respond to at the next meeting, which has been scheduled for 15 September. 
    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working at BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objective is still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
    We invite all team members to seek out further information about our proposed Agreement. Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting which will contain full details of today’s discussions.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 7 - 30 June 2021

    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, AWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue bargaining discussions for the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.

    During the meeting OS provided an update that the rollout of Company supplied tooling is underway, and that pending any significant delays due to COVID-19, we anticipate all Company supplied tooling will be in place by the end of August 2021.

    The CFMMEU tabled a revised annual leave proposal which OS has undertaken to consider and respond to at the next meeting on 5 August 2021. The parties also discussed a number of questions, largely related to the dynamic roster.

    After spending the last five meetings discussing at length the bargaining representatives’ proposals, the majority of yesterday’s meeting was spent reviewing OS’ proposed Maintenance Agreement, clause by clause. The intent of this exercise was to ensure OS understands the bargaining representatives’ positions in relation to its proposed Agreement, to consider where we are close to alignment and whether we can make any changes to reach agreement on individual Agreement clauses.

    The AMWU elected not to verbally provide their position in relation to OS’ proposed Agreement and instead advised they would provide their feedback in writing. The unions continue to note the scope of the proposed Agreement is a concern for them.

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.

    We invite all team members to seek out further information about our proposed Agreement. Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including yesterday’s Record of Meeting which will contain full details of today’s discussions.

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 1 - 18 Dec 2020

    On 8 December 2020 we shared our proposed Operations Services Maintenance Agreement and asked you for feedback or questions about the proposed Agreement. Since this time, we’ve had 21 feedback forms with your thoughts, ideas and suggestions regarding the proposed Agreement. We have received feedback on areas including:

    • Leave entitlements
    • Flights and accommodation
    • Superannuation
    • Working arrangements for Christmas / Boxing Day
    • Allowances
    • Accident Pay
    • Salaries / bonus
    • Salary sacrifice options

    Yesterday we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU. Prior to the meeting, the CFMMEU and AMWU and ETU undertook in writing to provide us with their proposals by 17 December (yesterday).
    During the meeting, we shared that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
    Disappointingly, the unions were not prepared to meaningfully engage with us in the meeting. Despite us arranging the meeting they requested, they were not ready to discuss the content of the Agreement nor present any proposals during the meeting.
    OS is listening and we continue to seek your feedback on our proposed Agreement. We will continue to consider your feedback in line with our objectives for our Agreement. Please continue to provide feedback to your line leader, or via our online information hub at

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 6 - 3 June 2021

    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue discussions on making the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.  

    During the meeting, OS invited questions on information it had previously shared with bargaining representatives, including detail around qualifications obtained at the Future Fit Academies and whether these qualifications classify employees as trade or non-trade. 

    OS provided its responses to further proposals received from the Union and Employee Bargaining Representatives at our last meeting. Full details of discussions, including all proposals and our responses can be accessed via the Record of Meeting.

    The parties continued discussions on a number of proposals, including:

    • Issue resolution procedure
    • Inclement weather
    • Types of employment

    The parties acknowledged they are apart on the abovementioned proposals and Union and Employee Bargaining Representatives continue to press their position. The AMWU noted the scope and structure of the proposed Agreement remains a concern for them.

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.

    We invite all team members to seek out further information about our proposed Agreement. Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting.

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 5 - 6 May 2021

    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue discussions on making the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement. 
    During the meeting, OS shared its position on the award classifications it would use to determine minimum rates of pay under the proposed Agreement for our trade and non-trade employees. This position (which excludes Apprentices and Trainees) that was shared during the meeting was as follows:


    EA classification of Employee Minimum award wage rate level
    Black Coal Mining Industry Award covered Employees Mining Industry Award covered Employees 
    Non trades Mine Worker 
    Trades (0-2 years trade qualified experience) Mine Worker - Advance 
    Trades (2+ years trade qualified experience) Mine Worked - Specialised 7


    OS confirmed that the minimum rates of pay under the proposed Agreement will not impact or otherwise change employees’ existing contractual salaries. 

    OS provided its responses to further proposals received from the unions and Employee Bargaining Representatives at or since our last meeting. Full details of discussions, including all proposals and our responses can be accessed via the Record of Meeting.
    The parties also discussed a number of proposals in detail, including:

    • Issue resolution procedure
    • Inclement weather
    • Hours of work
    • Consultation
    • Types of employment
    • Annual leave
    • Stand down

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.

    We invite all team members to seek out further information about our proposed Agreement. Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting.

  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 4 - 10 Mar 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU and ETU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue discussions on making the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.

    During the meeting, OS invited questions on information it had previously provided to bargaining representatives, including the value of certain minimum safety net salaries that would be provided for under the proposed Agreement with reference to the Black Coal Mining Industry Award.

    OS also provided its responses to further proposals and requests for information received from the unions and Employee Bargaining Representatives at the last meeting. Full details of discussions, including all proposals and our responses can be accessed via the Record of Meeting.

    Before closing the meeting, the parties had a robust discussion regarding the fact we are significantly apart in our objectives for the proposed Agreement and the vast number of proposals tabled by the unions and Employee Bargaining Representatives. OS asked the unions to narrow their proposals to areas of key importance to assist with a meaningful conversation at our next meeting, which has been scheduled for 20 April 2021. OS will continue to give reasonable consideration to all proposals by the unions and Employee Bargaining Representatives.

    OS continues to seek a simple, safety net Agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are still to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.

    We invite all team members to seek out further information about our proposed Agreement. Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 3 - 17 Feb 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU, together with a number of Employee Bargaining Representatives, to continue discussions on making the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement.

    During the meeting, we reiterated that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.

    Having thoroughly considered the proposals received at and since last meeting on 21 January, OS was in a position to provide our responses to those today. As the vast majority of proposals were inconsistent with our objectives for the Agreement, and in many cases would significantly increase our costs, we are unable to accept many of the proposals put forward.

    OS has agreed to make changes to the Agreement with respect to our current drafting of four clauses, including updating provisions for meal breaks and the minimum break time between shifts, as well as clarifying details of annual leave and compassionate leave payments being at an Employee’s Annual Salary Rate.

    Further proposals have been provided by the CFMMEU and AWU. OS will endeavour to respond to these proposals at our next meeting which is scheduled for 10 March 2021.

    Please check the online information hub ( for all the latest Agreement updates, including today’s Record of Meeting which will contain the full list of proposals received and our responses to date.
  • Operations Services Maintenance Agreement Update 2 - 21 Jan 2021
    Today we met with representatives from the CFMMEU, AMWU, ETU and AWU to continue discussions about the Operations Services Maintenance Agreement. 
    During the meeting, we reiterated that OS is working and we are seeking a simple, safety net agreement for our maintenance team members working on BHP’s operational sites across Australia. Our objectives are to make an Agreement that provides flexibility and choice for our team members, enabling OS to remain cost competitive and continue to grow.
    The CFMMEU – Mining and Energy Qld District tabled an extensive list of more than 90 proposals, including that the Agreement be limited to cover Queensland based employees only. 

    The AMWU QLD division tabled 14 proposals for consideration, including a proposal for three separate agreements covering employees in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia respectively. 

    The proposals include a number of items, which at first glance would significantly increase OS costs. A full list of the proposals presented will be available shortly via the Record of Meeting. 
    The AWU, ETU and AMWU WA division did not present any proposals during today’s meeting. 

    OS will consider the union proposals through a lens of simplicity, flexibility and choice and ensuring we remain cost competitive. The next meeting has been scheduled for 17 February 2021. 

    Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on our proposed Agreements. There are a number of items that we are carefully considering and exploring further and look forward to reporting back to our teams via our online information hub at

    Please check the online information hub for all the latest Agreements updates, including today’s Record of Meeting.
feedbackwantedOS 2021

Do you have a question about the proposed OS Maintenance Agreement?