
Mt Arthur Coal

Information for community and stakeholders on our Pathway to 2030 and beyond

Understanding Community Perspectives on Mine Closure

Since 2022, members of the Transition and Closure team have been actively engaging and listening to residents that live in and around the operation to help understand their views and priorities for life after mining in 2030.

In 2024, we made further efforts to deepen our understanding of community views through a dedicated and intensive engagement exercise, partnering with independent researchers Iceni.

The Understanding Community Perspectives on Mine Closure Report is now available.

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Pathway to 2030

In June 2022 following a review of all available options, BHP made the decision to cease mining at Mt Arthur Coal in 2030 as part of a responsible pathway to closure for the operation. 

We remain committed to responsible closure of Mt Arthur Coal in 2030.

This seven-year timeframe affords the opportunity to consult, prepare, plan and make thoroughly considered, long-term decisions for the future of our people and surrounding communities.

Pathways 1

Operational information

Blast schedules, Community Consultative Committee meeting information, environmental monitoring and more can all be found on the Regulatory Information section of the BHP website. 

Visualising Mt Arthur Coal at 2030

As part of the Modification, we are seeking some changes to the final landform of the Mt Arthur Coal mine.

We have developed interactive virtual tools to help visualise what the future landform is proposed to look like.

Take a look at the 360-degree aerial view of the progressive rehabilitation at Mt Arthur as well as a realistic visualisation of what motorists will see driving along key roads near the site.

mt arthur, hills. mining, view

Tomorrow, Together 

BHP has a long history in the Hunter Valley dating back to the early 1900s and we will work closely and in partnership with the workforce on their pathway to 2030, transition and closure.

Tomorrow, Together aims to support BHP employees to identify a pathway post closure most appropriate for each individual’s circumstances.

A series of engagement sessions, training and support will be provided over the next 7 years to adequately prepare and plan with our team for their future.