mt arthur coal

Mt Arthur, New South Wales

The Mt Arthur coal mine is an operation of New South Wales Energy Coal (NSWEC).

Mt Arthur at a glance

Mt Arthur Coal is an open-cut energy coal mine producing coal for international customers in the energy sector. The mine is 100 per cent owned by BHP.
2002Production commenced at Mt Arthur Coal in 2002.
2,000The mine has a workforce of around 2,000 people.
2030We are proceeding with a managed process to cease mining at the asset by the end of the 2030 financial year. 

The Mt Arthur Coal open-cut energy coal mine is located five kilometres south of Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales adjacent to the traditional lands of the Wanaruah people.

The mine employs around 2,000 people, who predominantly live in the region. Historically, the site produced coal for domestic and international customers in the energy sector, but shifted to international customers only from the second half of FY2020.

TwoWomenWorking 2021

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