20 September 2016
BHP Billiton Annual Report 2016
An in-depth look at BHP Billiton's operations and performance over the 2016 financial year.
Annual Report 2016 (PDF 6.6 MB)
Annual Report 2016 (Interactive) (PDF 6.5 MB)
BHP Billiton Sustainability Report 2016
Our Sustainability Report 2016 is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Comprehensive Level Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, including the Mining and Metals Sector Disclosures. The Report provides a complete review of our approach to sustainability.
BHP Billiton Sustainability Report 2016 (PDF 3.5 MB)
BHP Billiton Sustainability Reporting Navigator 2016 indicates the sections of BHP Billiton's Sustainability Report and Annual Report that specifically address what we have done to address the GRI guidelines and uphold the 10 principles of the International Council on Mining and Metals and the United Nations Global Compact. The BHP Billiton Sustainability Report also serves as our Advanced Level Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact.
BHP Billiton Sustainability Report Navigator 2016 (PDF 385 kb)
Scope 3 Emissions - Basis of Preparation (PDF 406 kb)
Form 20-F 2016
BHP Billiton is subject to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reporting requirements for foreign private issuers. A Form 20-F is filed annually with the SEC.
Form 20-F (PDF 4.8 MB)
Economic contribution and payments to governments Report 2016
The Economic contribution and payments to governments Report 2016 outlines our payments to governments by country, our approach to transparency and tax, our Operating Model and global value chain and our broader contribution.
Economic contribution and payments to governments Report 2016 (PDF 2.5 MB)
Economic contribution and payments to governments Report 2016 summary (PDF 1.6 MB)
Notices of Meetings
The 2016 AGM of BHP Billiton Plc will be held in London on Thursday, 20 October 2016 at 11.00am (London time).
Notice of Annual General Meeting BHP Billiton Plc (PDF 960 kb)
Invitation to submit questions - Plc - UK (PDF 141 kb)
Invitation to submit questions - Plc - South Africa (PDF 130 kb)
Shareholders may receive a hard copy of the above mentioned Group reports free of charge on request, within a reasonable time period, by telephoning: BHP Billiton’s Share Registrars and Transfer Offices on 1300 656 780 (within Australia); (44 844) 472 7001 (within the UK); (27 11) 373 0033 (within South Africa); the Citibank Shareholder Services (1 781) 575 4555 (outside US) 1 877 248 4237 (1 877 CITIADR) (toll free within US).
The 2016 AGM of BHP Billiton Limited will be held in Brisbane on Thursday, 17 November 2016 at 10.00am (Brisbane time).
Notice of Meeting Annual General Meeting BHP Billiton Limited (PDF 980 kb)
Invitation to submit questions - Limited (PDF 30 kb)
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