Prominent Hill

Prominent Hill

Prominent Hill produces one of the highest grades of copper concentrate in the world.  

Prominent Hill at a glance

Located 650 kilometers north-west of Adelaide, South Australia, Prominent Hill is part of our Minerals Australia operation. It's made up of underground and surface operations, and is located on the traditional lands of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara people. 
2009 The mine was commissioned in 2009.
~4.0Mtpa The mine has a production rate of ~4.0Mtpa.
2023 We took ownership of the mine in 2023.

Ore at Prominent Hill is collected from our Ankata and Malu underground open stoping mine areas. The processing method involves conventional crushing, grinding and flotation processing.

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Copper is used in everyday household products due to its electricity conducting, corrosion resistance and antimicrobial properties.