21 December 2020
In accordance with UK Listing Rule 9.6.11, BHP advises that, in the light of Susan Kilsby taking on the role of Board Chair of Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc (a company of which she has been a non-executive Director since 2015), Susan will step down as:
- BHP’s Senior Independent Director, and be replaced in that role by Gary Goldberg, effective immediately; and
- the Chair of BHP’s Remuneration Committee, and be replaced in that role by Christine O’Reilly, effective 1 March 2021.
Susan has informed the Board of her intention to retire as a BHP Director during CY2021, no later than the 2021 Annual General Meetings.
Gary Goldberg has been a non-executive Director of BHP since February 2020. He is a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Sustainability Committee.
Christine O’Reilly has been a non-executive Director of BHP since October 2020. She is a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Risk and Audit Committee.
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