18 June 2020
BHP today confirmed that Altera Infrastructure dba Teekay Shipping Norway AS, BW Offshore dba BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd, and SBM Offshore dba Single Buoy Moorings Inc. have been selected to deliver an early engineering study for a Floating Storage and Offloading Unit (FSO) for the Trion field in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico offshore Mexico.
The studies have been awarded following a competitive tender process, and the work is anticipated to be completed this calendar year.
BHP President Operations Petroleum, Geraldine Slattery, said: “This work reflects another advancement for the Trion project and we look forward to working with the selected contractors through this study phase. By engaging with the selected contractors now, we’re better enabled to optimize the design, and contracting and execution strategies for the FSO delivery.”
Earlier this year, BHP also announced the contractors selected to deliver an early engineering study for the Semisubmersible Floating Production Unit (FPU) for Trion.
BHP holds a 60 per cent interest (and operatorship) in Trion. PEMEX holds a 40 per cent interest.
Further information on BHP can be found at: bhp.com
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