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South Australian Government major development declaration for Olympic Dam

BHP has welcomed the South Australian Government’s decision to declare Olympic Dam’s growth plans a major development as an important step towards lifting its Australian copper production.

The declaration is the first step in a comprehensive State and Federal process that includes assessment of potential social, economic and environmental impacts associated with an increase in mining and production at Olympic Dam from 200 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) to up to 350ktpa.

Laura Tyler, Asset President Olympic Dam, said: ‘BHP is aiming to achieve stable operations and sustainable growth at Olympic Dam through a staged and capital-efficient approach over the long term.’

‘Olympic Dam is a world-class resource with the potential to deliver value to BHP and South Australia for many decades to come, especially given our positive outlook for global copper demand.

‘We are pleased the South Australian Government has declared Olympic Dam’s growth plans a major development, recognising our significance to the State.

‘Our team continues to refine the scope for targeted underground development in the Southern Mine Area, strategic investment surface processing facilities, new technology and supporting infrastructure.’

BHP continues to progress growth studies for Olympic Dam as it works towards seeking Board approval for a capital project in mid-to-late 2020.

For more information, visit the South Australian Government website.