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Market Price for off-market buy-back of BHP Group Limited shares

The Market Price1 for BHP's off-market tender buy-back of BHP Group Limited (formerly BHP Billiton Limited) shares (Off-Market Buy-Back) is A$32.1387. On this basis, the tender discounts are equivalent to the following tender prices (rounded to the nearest cent):

 Tender discount   Tender price
 14%  A$27.64
 13%  A$27.96
 12%  A$28.28
 11%  A$28.60
 10%  A$28.92

BHP Group Limited expects to announce the results of the Off-Market Buy-Back, including the Buy-Back Price2 and any scale back, on Monday 17 December 2018.


1 Volume weighted average price of BHP Group Limited ordinary shares on the Australian Securities Exchange over the five trading days up to and including Friday 14 December 2018, calculated to four decimal places.
2 The price at which BHP Group Limited will buy back shares from tenders it accepts in the Off-Market Buy-Back, rounded to the nearest cent. This price is determined by applying the discount to be selected by BHP Group Limited, being the largest tender discount which enables BHP Group Limited to buy back the number of shares that it determines to buy back, to the Market Price (as defined above).