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Standard & Poor's Review of BHP Billiton's Credit Rating

BHP Billiton notes the announcement today, 1 February 2016, by Standard & Poor’s that it has lowered the credit ratings of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc from A+ to A.

The rating on BHP Billiton’s senior secured notes has been lowered from A+ to A and subordinated notes from A- to BBB+.

BHP Billiton has also been placed on ‘CreditWatch with negative implications’ and Standard & Poor’s has advised it aims to resolve the CreditWatch after the release of BHP Billiton’s Results for the half year ended 31 December 2015.

BHP Billiton has the strongest credit rating in the sector and remains committed to maintaining its strong balance sheet through the cycle.

Read our News Release for more information.