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Multi-Million Dollar Grant for African Women’s and Children’s Health Initiatives

BHP Billiton is pleased to announce that it has provided US$25 million to a program to improve the health of women and young children in Africa. The program will be led by PATH, an international non profit organisation that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions to address health issues.

A charity established by BHP Billiton as part of its community investment program, BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities made the grant to the new, five-year ‘Window of Opportunity’ project to improve critical health and development services for pregnant women and young children to two years of age in South Africa and Mozambique.

Working with governmental and civil society partners, the PATH program will focus on improving antenatal and newborn care, infant nutrition, child development practices, and the quality of health services and provision, as well as fostering community engagement with the improved services.

BHP Billiton South Africa Chairman, Xolani Mkhwanazi, said BHP Billiton was proud to be part of a project that will reach 750,000 women and children.

“BHP Billiton has an overriding commitment to sustainable development everywhere we operate and we are pleased to be a part of this important project that will impact positively on the lives of women and young children in South Africa and Mozambique.”