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Appointments to the BHP Billiton Board

Number 06/10

The BHP Billiton Board today announced that Mr Paul Anderson and Dr Gail de Planque will retire from the Board on 31 January 2010 and Mr Malcolm Broomhead and Ms Carolyn Hewson will be appointed as Non-executive Directors from 31 March 2010. Mr Anderson has accepted an invitation to become a director of BP plc and Dr de Planque will retire due to her current need for continuous treatment for Lyme disease.

BHP Billiton Chairman, Mr Don Argus, said both Mr Anderson and Dr de Planque had made extremely valuable contributions to the company and he wished them both good health and success in their future endeavours.

"I understand Paul's desire to take up one of his last board appointments in the industry where he spent much of his working life. I also know that with a high performance Board like ours, directors are always going to be highly sought after. We are also very sorry to lose Gail from the Board although we respect her wish to retire to seek medical treatment in the United States. Gail's broad experience in science and nuclear energy has been invaluable and we wish her a speedy return to good health.

"On behalf of the Board I wish both Paul and Gail all the best and, whilst we are saddened to see them leave, they do so with the good will and gratitude of the Board." Mr Argus said.

Mr Malcolm Broomhead is currently the Chairman of an Australian infrastructure company, Asciano Limited and was previously Chief Executive Officer of Orica Limited and North Limited. Mr Broomhead also held various roles with Energy Resources Australia, Peko Wallsend and MIM Holdings Limited. He is also a Non-executive Director of Coates Group Holdings Pty Ltd.

Ms Carolyn Hewson is a former investment banker with Schroders Australia Limited and is a Non-executive Director of Westpac Banking Corporation, BT Investment Management Limited and Stockland Corporation Limited. Ms Hewson has previously been a Non-executive Director of AGL, AMP and CSR Limited.

Mr Argus said that both appointments would be important additions to the BHP Billiton Board, bringing with them a wealth of experience in the international mining, energy and financial services industries.

"Malcolm has extensive experience in running industrial and mining companies with a global footprint and his experience in the sector will make a very attractive addition to our Board. He has broad global experience in project development in many of the countries in which we operate. His depth of senior management experience and knowledge of the industry will be an asset to the company.

"Carolyn has experience across a range of diversified industries with deep experience as a Non-executive Director. In particular, she has 25 years experience in the financial sector with extensive financial markets, risk management and investment management expertise.

"Both Malcolm and Carolyn will be excellent additions to our Board and we are very pleased that they have agreed to join us."

Chairman elect Jac Nasser said, "The Group's established process of continually reviewing the mix of skills and competencies of directors will continue to ensure that the Board is made up of members best able to promote shareholder interests and effectively govern the Group."

The appointment of Mr Broomhead and Ms Hewson will bring the number of BHP Billiton directors to 12.

Malcolm Broomhead

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Queensland
  • Bachelor Engineering (BE), University of Queensland
  • 2009-present     Chairman, Asciano Limited
  • 2008-present     Coates Group Holdings Pty Ltd
  • 2001-2005         Managing Director & CEO, Orica Limited
  • 1999-2000         Managing Director & CEO, North Limited
  • 1990-1998         Various positions, North Limited
  • 1988-1989         Investment Executive, Industrial Equity Limited
  • 1985-1988         Chief Financial Officer (other roles), Peko Wallsend Limited
  • 1980-1985         Project Engineer/Construction Manager, MIM Holdings Limited
  • 1975-1979         Project Engineer, Sir William Halcrow Engineering


Carolyn Hewson AO

  • BEc (Hons)
  • MA (Econ)
  • 2009-present     Stockland Corporation Limited
  • 2007-present     BT Investment Management Limited
  • 2003-present     Westpac Banking Corporation
  • 2006-2009         AGL Energy Limited (retired Feb 2009)
  • 1996-2006         Australian Gas Light Company
  • 1996-2001         AMP Limited
  • 2002-2004         Economic Development Board of South Australia
  • 1995-2005         CSR Limited
  • 1995-2002         South Australia Water
  • 2007-present     Nanosonics Limited
  • 2002-present     Australian Charities Fund
  • 1993-present     Neurosurgical Research Foundation
  • 1999-2008         Royal Humane Society
  • 2000-2008         YWCA NSW
  • 1989-1995         Executive Director, Schroders Australia Limited
  • 1981-1989         Investment Banker, Schroders Australia Limited