02 May 2002
Number: 25/02
BHP Billiton advises a correction in the ex-dividend date for the BHP Billiton Ltd final dividend to be paid on 3 July 2002. In the BHP Billiton Results for the Quarter ended 31 March 2002, the ex-dividend date for the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) was advised as 5 June 2002. The correct date is 3 June 2002.
A final dividend of US6.5 cents per fully paid ordinary share will be paid on 3 July 2002 by BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc, bringing the total dividend for the year to 13.0US cents.
The BHP Billiton Limited dividend is fully franked for Australian taxation purposes. The timetable in respect of the dividends will be:
Currency conversion - 29 April 2002
Last day to trade Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) - 31 May 2002
Ex-dividend Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) - 3 June 2002
Ex-dividend Paris Stock Exchange - 3 June 2002
Ex-dividend Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) - 3 June 2002
Ex-dividend London Stock Exchange (LSE) - 5 June 2002
Record - 7 June 2002
Dr Robert Porter, Investor Relations
Tel: +61 3 9609 3540
Mobile: +61 419 587 456
E-Mail: Robert.Porter@bhpbilliton.com
United Kingdom
Ariane Gentil, Manager Communications
Tel: +44 20 7747 3977
Mobile: +44 7881 518 715
E-Mail: Ariane.Gentil@bhpbilliton.com
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