27 August 2024
Respecting and partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is aligned with our purpose to bring people and resources together to build a better world.
In January 2019, following many months of consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, employees, community organisations and Traditional Owners, BHP publicly announced support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Keeping with the momentum of working together, our team met with Traditional Owner representatives and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners in Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park) in Boorloo (Perth). It was here that we listened to their aspirations, and discussed how we could better work together and share practical steps and mechanisms to elevate their voices across our organisation.
Following this discussion, we agreed to co-create our next Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and together develop a pathway that creates mutual benefits for Indigenous communities and our business over the long term. The collective spirit of that meeting is demonstrated by the co-creation of our 2023 – 2027 RAP, being our sixth RAP overall.
The co-creation process involved nine forums held across every region BHP operates in, where Traditional Owners, Indigenous businesses, Indigenous community organisations and Indigenous employees were invited to share their experiences and aspirations for the future.
This RAP, which has received Elevate status from Reconciliation Australia, covers relevant aspects of our business in Australia and includes targets focused on:
- recognising free, prior and informed consent as an important process to safeguard the collective rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for proposed new operations or capital projects as articulated in our Indigenous Peoples Policy Statement;
- seeking to reach mutually beneficial agreements with Traditional Owners and supporting the preservation of cultural heritage;
- attracting, retaining and developing Indigenous employees in a culturally informed and safe workplace;
- contributing to intergenerational wealth creation opportunities including through Indigenous procurement and business support;
- supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social investment initiatives that are delivered by community, for community: and
- advancing reconciliation and supporting the exploration of truth telling initiatives in Australia
BHP was the first corporate partner of Reconciliation Australia in 2002, and published its first RAP in 2007.
View the Reconciliation Action Plan here.
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