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Modelo Proactivo: advanced safety analytics

Modelo Proactivo (Modelo) is the result of an innovative and effective collaboration across Technology, HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) and Operations that aims to help with the identification, mapping and mitigation of material safety risks across BHP. 

The application was developed internally to support proactive decision making in order to drive continuous improvement, risk reduction and ultimately, fatality elimination. The tool utilises predictive analytics to help anticipate and characterise incidents with fatality potential.  The platform provides risk intelligence insights (which are not definitive), by leveraging critical safety and non-safety related data from multiple sources.  

Modelo supports BHP’s Risk Framework and is a global safety initiative that directly aligns with our Sustainability value: Putting health and safety first, being environmentally responsible and supporting our communities.  It works as a system of risk intelligence to complement and help improve health and safety risk management at BHP by creating algorithms using data to understand if our controls are at risk, or if we are seeing an increase in at-risk behaviours linked to a certain control or process. 

Future planned work activities associated with identified risks and learnings from other data collected across BHP are overlayed to help promote proactive actions across teams and prevent similar incidents from occurring. 

Using advanced safety analytics through this application is one of the additional layers of defence that BHP has deployed in collaboration with the wider Fatality Elimination Program, the purpose of which is to eliminate fatalities by strengthening human performance and optimising our control environment.