orange gradient

Road relief review – through running project

The implementation of a through running operating model for train drivers in the Pilbara has significantly reduced the risk of single or multiple fatalities from light vehicle incidents.

The rail network in the remote Pilbara region comprises more than 450 kilometres of rail. Previously, train drivers would change over midway to their destination. They would then have to travel back to their home base by light vehicle. The midway changeover was removed by moving to a through running model. Now, the driver starts or ends their shift at Yandi Junction or Mooka. A new driver landing pad and break room are also available at Yandi Junction, with facilities for drivers waiting to join their allotted train.

Crews are now more efficient and productive, spending their entire shift time driving trains instead of light vehicles. The new operating practice is also sustainable, with its effectiveness monitored daily, weekly, and monthly, and all risk mitigations identified are tracked and implemented.