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Mt Arthur Coal Modification Update Response to submissions now completed

In early April, BHP Mt Arthur Coal hit the next milestone in the Modification 2 (MOD 2) process to continue mining beyond 2026 to 2030!

The team submitted the MOD 2 Submissions Report, which provides responses to submissions that were received from the public and various organisations during the MOD 2 public exhibition period. The MOD 2 application has now progressed to Assessment phase, with assessment to be conducted by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI).

As we have shared, BHP is seeking a modification to Mt Arthur Coal’s planning approval for an additional four years until 2030, providing time to ensure we adequately prepare and make thoroughly considered decisions for closure. Key elements of the MOD 2 application include:

  • Four-year extension of mining activities to 30 June 2030.
  • Reduction in the approved mining rate from 32 Million Tonnes Per Annum (Mtpa) of run-of-mine (ROM) coal to a maximum of 25 Mtpa (similar to actual production).
  • A minor extension (25 hectares) of the approved disturbance area, however an overall reduction (387 hectares) in approved disturbance, as some previously approved disturbance areas are no longer required.
  • A revised final landform and final void configuration, including an overall reduction in the approved height of overburden emplacement areas.

The MOD 2 application would not change existing mining tenements, workforce or approved hours of operation.

For more on the MOD 2 visit the Mt Arthur Coal Pathway website.