02 March 2023
Residents from the Parnpajinya community will now have greater access to community and social services, following the opening of a new assisted living facility in Newman.
BHP donated an eight-unit housing complex to East Pilbara Independent Support (EPIS) for the project, which involved the refurbishment of properties in consultation with Martu elders to provide safe and culturally appropriate accommodation for residents of the Parnpajinya community.
Regional Development Minister Don Punch officially opened the facility, which received $4 million in State Government funding,
"All residents of Jirninyjarri Maya will be provided with wraparound services to support them in making significant life changing decisions about their futures including re-engaging with services to improve health and wellbeing, lifestyle, education, employment and economic development opportunities,” the Minister said.
BHP Newman Operations General Manager Dan Heal said BHP was proud to partner with local organisations to deliver community outcomes.
“BHP’s Mine Rehabilitation team has been working closely with the residents at Jirninyjarri Maya to create a small nursery of unique native seeds,” Dan said.
“Building and maintaining these positive relationships with local stakeholders is key to creating long term social value and a sustainable community.”
The Pilbara Development Commission worked closely with the residents of the community and other key stakeholders to complete the refurbishment and to create a long-term approach that supports the aspirations of the Parnpajinya community.
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