man with moustache in BHP mining uniform standing facing camera smiling

Inspired by his parents - meet Apprentice Electrician Jaleel

An Adnyamathanha, Yamatji, Kuyani, Arabana, Dieri, and Luritja man, Jaleel was living in Port Augusta when he saw an opportunity for apprenticeships at Olympic Dam. Wanting a change in fields, he took on the role of an Apprentice Electrician in the Surface Maintenance team in March 2020.

Inspired by his mother and father, Jaleel has come to appreciate the strong community at BHP.

“Seeing my father work multiple jobs and working FIFO when I was younger to provide for our family, seeing how hard he worked and how much he sacrificed to give our family the best chances in life. Also seeing my mother return to full time work once my father’s career ended to provide for the family as well, doing overtime working extra shifts. 

Seeing that as a child all the way up to adulthood always inspires me to keep going and work hard to give myself the best opportunity to succeed, and to make my parents proud.”

Jaleel is currently working with the surface electrical maintenance team (MNPB) doing regular maintenance as well as ensuring our copper gets out the gate and to provide a service to our customers.

“The team has been very welcoming to me, and I am learning a lot of things that’ll not only help me with my trade but later in life as well. Learning to take my time to do things safely and correctly.”