mother and daughter smiling to camera

Is FIFO as a parent possible? Meet Marta.

Marta Sibarani knows just how important role models are.

Growing up, she looked up to her dad – a mechanical engineer, who has worked on ground-breaking projects and now lectures at a university in Indonesia.

“I have always been close to my dad and growing up watched him working on interesting projects. I thought one day we would hopefully be working together,” Marta said, as she decided on pursuing engineering herself.

Marta went on to study engineering at university and got her first taste of the profession in the oil and gas industry as a field engineer.

Here, is where she also had her first child Izzy.

“I would never have thought it possible that I would again go back to work in the field,” Marta said.

“I thought there would be no field-based career opportunities for a female engineer with a young child… fast forward, I was so wrong!”.

Marta now works at our Daunia Mine as an engineer on a lifestyle roster working four on, three off.

She said the return to work was made possible by the support network all around her.

“My husband was working a FIFO 2/2 weeks roster at the time. When I accepted the lifestyle FIFO position at Daunia, my husband notified his employer and fortunately, they offered him a job in Brisbane. He’s happy to be home every night and looks after the little one with help from his family while I'm away at work. I’ve landed the best opportunity I can hope for.”

What’s been the best piece of advice you’ve received at work?

Reframe the challenges as opportunities  - Daniel Fernandez 2022 ha!

What advice would you give to other people who want to find a good work/life balance in their roles? 

Be up front to your employer about your family situation, and work through with your partner and family on how to manage the work/life balance. The most important is to ensure that you enjoy the role because it will make everything easier.  “It takes a village to raise a child” and Isabel spends more time with her cousins, Grandmother, Aunts and Uncles now her mum is FIFO and this has brought the family closer and giving Isabel a bigger circle of secure relationships.

What do you love most about your role?

The flexibility, being close to the execution team and being able to use my technical skills. The projects are interesting and dynamic.