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Partnering to improve road safety in the Pilbara

BHP has joined forces with the with Australian and Western Australian governments to improve road and rail safety in the Pilbara region.

The project cost is estimated at $36 million and is funded by the Australian Government ($18.2 million), WA Government ($4.54 million) and BHP ($13.26 million).

The first of the key projects involves construction of a new 28-metre-long road-over-rail bridge, separating road and rail traffic at Nelson Point main line level crossing on Great Northern Highway in Port Hedland.

Construction of a second bridge over BHP’s rail line to the south at Buttweld Road will also be undertaken and funded by BHP.

The removal of the existing at-grade rail crossing will provide road users with additional safety benefits, improved journey times and a better alternative access for those travelling to and from South Hedland.

To complement the works, BHP has provided further funding to upgrade two intersections on Powell road to enable the closure of the remaining at-grade BHP rail crossing on Powell Road.

BHP’s General Manager for rail operations Warren Wellbeloved said BHP was pleased to contribute towards the rail crossing project at Great Northern Highway and fully fund the removal of the level crossing at Powell Road and a new road-over-rail bridge at the Buttweld Road rail crossing. 

“BHP’s total contributions will be in excess of $45 million, an investment that will deliver local jobs in the construction phase and lasting benefits to the Hedland community from a safety and a convenience perspective,” Mr Wellbeloved said.

Western Australian Minister for Transport and Planning Rita Saffioti said the projects would remove road and rail conflicts at three major rail crossings in the Pilbara.

“Upgrades to these crossings will improve safety for road and rail users, increase efficiency and reduce travel times while also supporting local jobs,” Minister Saffioti said.

Works are expected to be complete in April 2022.