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Home in East Newman A Newman Futures initiative

Not your typical planning project, Home in East Newman is all about working together to ensure East Newman is a comfortable, safe and connected place to live.

Focusing on improved housing, landscaping, community service and amenity, the project team has been working closely with Martu and Nyiyaparli community members and the wider community to make this vision for East Newman a reality.

“We have to work together and get organised so that East Newman can come alive again. Where there’s a will there’s a way," said Desmond Taylor, Cultural Wellbeing Officer at Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service.

Community conversations for the project showed a range of different priority areas including shade, appropriate housing for the local climate and culture, improved safety through CCTV, lighting and housing design, connectivity and amenity for children.

And in late October, Martu and Nyiyaparli leaders, BHP, Shire of East Pilbara, WDLAC, KJ, Martumili, Pilbara Development Commission, C-Res, Newman Primary School, Newman Senior High School and Soap Bush Soap all came together as part of the ‘master-planning workshops’ to agree on the project’s first steps – with many committing to playing an active role in delivering the improvements.

Some short-term goals for the project include:

• A small basketball court and shade structure for children

• Repairs and new lighting

• Public CCTV

• Public art reflecting local culture and history

• Design principles for housing refurbishments, new housing, and parks

These are the first steps in a much longer project to revitalise East Newman, but the project team is excited to see these changes delivered quickly and hand-in-hand with the community.

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