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Partnership to green the West End of Port Hedland

A $3million greening and amenity project is underway to help improve the overall aesthetics and amenity of the West End of Port Hedland.

BHP, together with partners the Town of Port Hedland and the Pilbara Ports Authority, have appointed RFF Pty Ltd as head contractor, along with three Indigenous businesses being awarded works contracts.  

With the greening and amenity project expected to run through to June 2021, Indigenous businesses Tambinah, Yurra and Marapikurrinya Construction and Maintenance Services will begin improving and greening verges and median strips within the West End CBD and along Anderson Street to Short Street.

BHP General Manager Port Operations, Nilson Davila, said the project reinforced BHP’s commitment to work with the community, government and other industry to improve the commercial and tourism vibrancy of Port Hedland’s West End.

“We are proud to be engaging local indigenous contractors, hiring local people and investing in projects that will grow the West End in line with the State Government’s West End Improvement Scheme,” he said.

The historic West End will continue to receive ongoing work over coming months with the refurbishment and upgrading of the streetscapes in the area.

Town of Port Hedland Mayor Peter Carter said: “The Town is proud to be partnering with BHP and the Pilbara Ports Authority to improve the overall greenery and aesthetics of the West End, a valued historical precinct which breathes communal life into the town.

“As well as supporting the world’s largest bulk exporting port, the West End is also home to popular sunset food markets, playgrounds, a boat ramp, vibrant small businesses, artisan spaces and more.

“Improved greenery makes the area more attractive for local families and tourists alike, securing the area’s longevity and usability and helping achieve our vision to become Australia’s leading port town embracing community, culture and environment.”

Pilbara Ports Authority CEO Roger Johnston said the Project will not only improve the environment of the West End, it also supports indigenous participation.

“Job creation and green growth are fundamentally important to PPA, both as a responsible community member and as a leader working with key stakeholders to make Port Hedland active and attractive

“Pilbara Ports Authority is proud to be partnering with BHP and the Town of Port Hedland on this transformative green initiative.”