29 May 2020
‘Ensuring the health and safety of everyone at our coal sites and preventing anyone from becoming infected during the coronavirus pandemic was our top priority’, said Brent Fraser, Superintendent Warehouse at Goonyella Riverside and Peak Downs.
The global shortage of hygiene products amid the coronavirus outbreak affected the regular supply of these products to our site operations. These included hand sanitisers, surface disinfectants and washing liquids. Knowing the importance of these products for maintaining a clean, safe and healthy workforce and site environment, and not wanting the global issue to turn into a local issue, teams in the Coal assets responded swiftly.
By obtaining larger container units of the hygiene products, the Coal asset teams rallied together to manually decant these products into small spray bottles and also consolidated cleaning kits that where then distributed across all the coal sites in a controlled manner.
Shane Thornton, Superintendent for NSWEC & BMC Warehousing, shares, ‘Helping our teams is what we do every day, not just during a pandemic. It’s who we are.’
By enabling the supply of hygiene products to be available and abiding by the COVID-19 cleaning requirements, this has allowed all sites to continue operating, keeping all workers safe and the site environment clean. Each employee and contractor has access to sufficient hygiene products that can be carried with them to their desk or machine cabin. All empty bottles can be returned and exchanged for a new bottle.
At BHP, we believe that our people are our greatest asset and are key to BHP’s success. By keeping our people safe and protected at work during this outbreak, we are keeping our promise to ensure they return home safe and healthy to their families.
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