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Second chances empower the sisterhood

An Australian not-for-profit social enterprise that’s teamed up with the UN Women is helping empower marginalised women in Melbourne.

SisterWorks supports women who are refugees, asylum seekers and migrants become economically empowered.  Now, through their new partnership with UN Women, they’re piloting a ground-breaking program to help these women get a second chance at education and vocational learning.

The program is part of a global project supported by BHP Foundation with pilot programs also running in Cameroon, Chile, India, Jordan and Mexico.

In Melbourne, the program provides women, their families and local communities with access to education which is tailored to their needs as learners and their future as earners.

Luz Restrepo, CEO and founder of SisterWorks, says that by giving women the right tools, confidence and emotional and social wellbeing, they can contribute to their families, their communities and the Australian economy.

‘Refugee women are full of resilience, resourceful and talented and have much to give back to Australia,’ she said.

Read more about SisterWorks.

With the support of BHP Foundation, UN Women’s Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning program is bringing transformational chance to the lives of vulnerable women by breaking down the barriers to participating in education and employment.

It’s funded as part of BHP Foundation’s global education equity program.

Read more about BHP Foundation’s partnership with UN Women.