06 May 2015
Fun. Interesting. Helpful. These are some of the more common descriptors used by students when asked about their Life Education sessions.
Thanks to a long-term partnership with BHP Billiton Mt Arthur Coal, Hunter Life Education has been able to visit more than 3,000 students in Muswellbrook and the Upper Hunter annually to help build their awareness, knowledge, strategies and skills they need to make safer and healthier life choices.
Last year, BHP Billiton announced a renewed three-year investment of $116,000 which builds on the success of the existing partnership between the Company and Hunter Life Education, to which more than $300,000 has been contributed by BHP Billiton since 2005.
The partnership will ensure Healthy Harold, the loveable giraffe who is the face of the Life Education program, maintains a regular presence in the Upper Hunter.
As a result of the partnership, Healthy Harold was able to make a visit to the Mt Arthur Coal mine site in the Hunter Valley, where BHP Billiton employees’ children were invited to attend a session with the giraffe and a Life Education educator.
According to students, Life Education sessions are successful in getting them to think about safety and health issues, from saying no to drugs to encouraging their mum or dad to stop smoking.
The sessions provide students with information on which they can draw to make informed choices, including knowledge and strategies for dealing with different situations.
In the age of tablets, mobile phones and unlimited wi-fi access, Life Education is focused on ensuring its programs remain engaging and relevant. In 2014, a new online game targeting cybersafety was introduced which educates kids about responsible online behaviour, cyber safety and cyber security.
The bCyberwise Monster Family Game can be used as a classroom activity, a homework task or parents can play the game at home with their children to learn about cyber safety together.
Sally Coddington, Hunter Life Education Executive Officer, attended the on-site sessions at Mt Arthur Coal.
“With the help of Healthy Harold and our Life Education educators, we build resilience in young people by challenging their values and attitudes, expanding their knowledge and developing their skills,” she said.
“Mt Arthur Coal’s investment means that every child in the Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter shires has the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge to make healthy lifestyle choices.
“This is an opportunity that few communities are offered and the effectiveness of the education can be enhanced when the message is reinforced over time, across curriculum and within the home and broader community,” Ms Coddington said.
Further information about Hunter Life Education’s programs can be found at www.hunterlifeeducation.org.au.
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