25 March 2015
BHP Billiton Potash was part of a Saskatchewan tradition in March when we assisted Kinsmen Telemiracle 39 by providing personnel to help set up the venue, answer phones and take pledges from callers to the annual 20-hour televised telethon in Saskatoon, SK. This is the fifth year that we have supported the event.
Our corporate donation of C$50,000 from the Potash Community Development Program assisted the organisation in raising a grand total of C$4,312,457. The money raised is for the purpose of helping to improve the quality of life of thousands of Saskatchewan residents by assisting in the acquisition of special needs equipment and access to medical treatment. A total of 29 employees volunteered their time to help the organisation in the set-up of the venue at TCU Place in Saskatoon from 3-6 March.
On 8 March, Marius Kotze (Head of Human Resources), Kim Jasken (Purchasing Administrator), Lee Ahenakew (Manager Community Engagement) and Ken Smith (Manager Community Development) answered phones and took pledges on the televised set.
“What is important to Saskatchewan is important to us and being about to a part of an event like Telemiracle 39, which is so unique to the province, is fantastic,” said Head of Human Resources Marius Kotze on attending the event.
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