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BHP joins Responsible Steel

BHP has joined Responsible Steel, the international non-profit organisaiton that brings together organisations from across the steel supply chain, including steel makers, commodity producers and civil society groups.

Responsible Steel works with these groups to increase sustainability through the steel making supply chain. Responsible Steel has created a new standard and certification program that member organisations sign up to. The standard seeks to enhance responsible sourcing, production, and use and recycling of steel. Responsible Steel’s standard and certification is the first global standard for sustainable steel.

Fiona Wild, Vice President, Sustainability and Climate Change, BHP, said: “At BHP we take a product stewardship view of how our commodities are used through the value chain. We are pleased to join Responsible Steel and continue to partner with our customers to help improve sustainability and emissions standards in the steel making value chain.”

Matthew Wenban-Smith, Executive Director, Responsible Steel, said: “We are delighted that BHP has joined as our newest Business Member. Having one of the largest resource and mining companies in the world as a member sends a very strong signal and commitment to the steel sector to help achieve the responsible sourcing and production of steel.

BHP’s membership will ensure that as we further develop our Responsible Steel standard to include three additional components: requirements for the responsible sourcing of raw materials, requirements related to the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions, and the claims certified sites can make about the steel products they produce. In BHP we will have additional input, expertise and experience from an organisation committed to helping the sector reach higher levels of sustainability.”

To find out more about BHP’s approach to increasing sustainability and reducing emissions follow this link.

To find out more about Responsible Steel follow this link.