01 January 2019
UPDATE - 03/01/2019
Following the tragic incident at the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) Saraji Mine on Monday, operations have slowly started to recommence on site today. The central focus remains on people and ensuring they are in the right frame of mind to safely re-start work.
As part of its commitment to safety BMA will conduct an internal investigation as a priority to commence immediately. BMA is committed to sharing the findings in a thorough and transparent
manner when completed.
49 year-old Allan Houston died on 31st December 2018 during an incident while he was operating a dozer at Saraji mine. BMA has established an account for donations to Allan’s family with Miners’
Promise, an independent not for profit organisation well-known for its support services to mineworkers and their families. Contributions can be made by anyone including employees, contractors and
members of the community.
BMA will also automatically contribute on a 2:1 basis for any individual contributions made through the Miners’ Promise fund. Donations can be made electronically via the bank details below:
Account Name: Miners' Promise Australia Ltd - Donations Trust
BSB: 036-230
Account Number: 137314
Reference: Allan Houston Donations (If you are asked to type in a reference for the
*The BMA contribution will be automatic and does not require any action on the part of individual
BMA’s Employee Assistance Program remains on site at Saraji supporting all people affected by the incident and is contactable on 1800 056 076.
UPDATE - 02/01/2019
The investigation into an incident at the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) Saraji Mine, near Moranbah in Queensland, continued today, with BMA working closely with the relevant authorities.
We are saddened to confirm that 49 year-old Allan Houston from the Rockhampton Region died during an incident where the dozer he was operating at Saraji rolled from an elevated position at around 10pm (Queensland time) on 31st December 2018. The site Emergency Response Team was activated immediately following the incident and appropriate authorities engaged.
Our immediate focus is to support Allan’s family and friends as well as our people that may be affected by this incident. Allan was a well-known and popular member of the Saraji and Workpac team. Allan began his career as an apprentice boilermaker at Blackwater Mine in approximately 1988 and since then, worked in the industry at various mines in Queensland. Allan’s father, Winston, had a long history in the Blackwater region and was a well-known and respected Dragline Operator for many years. Allan’s family is especially proud of his reputation as a highly skilled dozer and dragline operator.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Allan’s loving mother, 23 year-old daughter, sister and brother as well as his friends and colleagues. BMA representatives have met with Allan’s family and will continue to provide whatever support possible during this deeply emotional time.
BMA’s Employee Assistance Program provider is on site supporting all of our people affected by this incident and is contactable on 1800 056 076.
PHOTO: Allan Houston (Left)
It is with great sadness BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) regrets to advise an incident occurred at Saraji Mine near Moranbah last night which resulted in the death of one of our people.
Details of the incident are still being established and an investigation into the incident is underway.
The site Incident Management Team has been activated, and the emergency services including police are attending the scene. BMA is working closely with the relevant authorities on this incident.
The welfare of the family of the deceased and the safety of our people are our highest priorities.
Operations at Saraji Mine have been suspended until further notice.
BMA’s Employee Assistance Program provider is available to support employees and their families affected by this incident and is contactable on 1800 056 076.
We are deeply saddened by this news and will provide more information as it is available.
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