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Funding children's research to make a difference. To us that's big.

For more than 50 years, Telethon has been raising vital funds that go directly to improving the health and wellbeing of children across Western Australia.

BHP will again contribute $4 million to this year’s donation tally, with our funds going towards a world-first research partnership with Aboriginal families in the Pilbara through our long-term partnership with Telethon Kids Institute (TKI).

WAIO Asset President Brandon Craig said this was part of BHP’s five-year $20 million research partnership with TKI to give kids the best start in life.

“The Journey Together initiative brings together community, service providers and researchers to co-design new solutions to help improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people,” Brandon said.

“This project partners directly with Aboriginal families to understand what families and services really need to better support the health and development of their children.”

The Aboriginal-led project is being rolled out in Newman and Port Hedland.  Each site has its own cultural governance, community and service partners, and priority projects.

This initiative will generate new knowledge for Aboriginal families to overcome disadvantage and improve life trajectories for their children, and provide clear advice to policy makers, governments and funders on what works to support the wellbeing of the next generation.