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Building a career with BHP thanks to Operations Services

At BHP’s Operations Services (OS), people capability and career development is our greatest asset.

It was the development and career opportunities that saw Adelah Wilson join the OS team at Yandi in Western Australia two years ago. 

“A friend referred OS as a great place to work, so I thought I’d apply for the job and I was over the moon when I got it!” Adelah said. 

With 16 years of experience as a Dump Truck Operator, Adelah is building her career in BHP – taking on an exciting 12-month secondment as a Fixed Plant Controller at BHP’s IROC supporting the Western Australia Iron Ore Asset.

Speaking about her new role, Adelah said she’s excited and ready to absorb as much as possible.   

“I’m ready to step out of my comfort zone, and I’m so thankful to be given this new opportunity,” Adelah said. 

“I joined OS two years ago knowing BHP was the only mining company that offered career development and secondment opportunities, and the fact that I’m now able to upskill and progress in my career is very exciting.”

BHP secondments – where employees are deployed to a different role within BHP – are a great way to try something new with the security of knowing your position will be waiting for you once the contract ends. 

Adelah said her 12-month secondment opportunity was a major part of her career and development plan with OS. 

“After 16 years of fine-tuning my skills and helping train others, I was hoping the opportunity would arise where I could try something new,” Adelah said. 

“Working as a Fixed Plant Controller has always been a career goal and my manager supported this as part of my career development plan.”

Mining Production Superintendent, Tracy Hayden said since Adelah joined OS she quickly became an asset to the team.  

“Adelah has given so much time to help train others, and now it’s her time to learn something new and shine even brighter,” Tracy said. 

“I’m so proud of her for taking on the challenge.”

Speaking about her almost two decades in the mining industry, Adelah laughs saying she initially only planned on working in the industry for five years. 

“I love my career, and the OS Supervisors and our team are very supportive,” Adelah said. 

“I feel fortunate to come to work each day, knowing there’s an abundance of opportunities available – you’re certainly never bored!”

Find out more about a role with BHP Operations Services at