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Meet George

This is George Martin. He’s one of BHP’s shutdown supervisors and he has been based in Newman for the last couple of months.

George normally lives in Queensland and is part of a maintenance services team that goes from site to site across BHP’s iron ore operations in WA and he has seen a lot of changes made to protect the workforce and the community.

“Everyone has settled into the changes now which protect the community that lives here - including my daughter and grandson,” George said.

George’s daughter and grandson Harry (pictured together last year) live in Newman and he said it was hard being at camp and not being able to visit them.

“It was different, and change is always hard. But everyone accepted the improvements as necessary. Some controls are still in place. Everything has been very well managed at site, we’re keeping our distance from each other.

“Kalgan’s Village is being run as best as can be. When we couldn’t go into town, there was a delivery service set up which was great. The biggest changes were at the mess, with disposable gloves and plastic knives and forks. It’s pretty much like having a picnic,” he explained.

George planned to stay in the Pilbara region to support his crew, now that the inter-state restrictions are in place.

“There’s three of us in my crew who are here for the long-haul, now that the restrictions are in place. The next shutdown will be at Mining Area C so that’s where we’re headed next!”

Good luck George, and thanks for sticking in there!

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