West Musgrave

West Musgrave

The West Musgrave project is located in the Musgrave Province of Western Australia and includes the Nebo and Babel nickel-copper deposits and the Succoth copper deposit. The Ngaanyatjarra Peoples are the traditional owners of the land.

West Musgrave at a glance

West Musgrave is located approximately 1,300km north-east of Perth in Western Australia and 1,400 km northwest of Adelaide; near the intersection of the borders between Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory.
∼26 years Mine life
10Mtpa - 12MtpaProposed mine rate

A Scoping Study commenced in 2016 with the Final Investment Decision and construction commencing in 2022.

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Copper is used in everyday household products due to its electricity conducting, corrosion resistance and antimicrobial properties.