24 February 2021
On 29 January 2021, as part of monitoring at Mining Area C in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, BHP identified a rock fall at a registered Banjima site. The cause of the rock fall has not been determined.
BHP and the Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (BNTAC), the prescribed body corporate for the Banjima People, have commenced a joint investigation to understand the cause of the rock fall and ensure any lessons are identified.
Earlier this month, BHP’s President Minerals Australia, Edgar Basto and Western Australia Iron Ore, Asset President, Brandon Craig met with Banjima’s South Flank Heritage Advisory Council to discuss the rock fall and commence the investigation.
Maitland Parker, BNTAC Chair and Banjima Elder said: “Our Heritage Council was convened to ensure open lines of communication between BHP and Banjima on heritage issues and other matters — something that is now happening. BNTAC and our Heritage Council, alongside BHP, will continue this investigation to ascertain the exact causes of the impact on the site.”
Mr Basto said: “Our relationship with the Banjima people is critically important to BHP. Over many years we have built a strong relationship with the Banjima based on deep respect for their heritage and their connection to country. We have personally expressed our concern to Banjima Elders and commenced a joint investigation. We will continue to work with the Banjima in a spirit of respect and cooperation. We regard all Banjima heritage as important and we will learn from the outcomes of the investigation.”
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