230911 - drone usage in WAIO

Drone usage across our WA Iron Ore sites

Across our WA Iron Ore operations, there are close to 20 remotely operated aircraft (drone) flights a day. 

These flights help remove our people from potentially dangerous locations and help us innovate and re-think how we go about traditional mining tasks. 

WAIO’s Chief Remote Pilot Shaun Van Goor, who manages the use of drones across WAIO, said there have been more than 19,000 registered flights in WAIO in the past three years. 

“We have about 80 active pilots across WAIO, who are flying daily. They all have been trained and have a remote pilot’s licence issued by Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority,” Shaun explained.

“Typically, we fly multi-rotor drones and keep them within our line of sight, however there are times where we get exceptions to fly beyond our standard operating conditions. 

“As the Chief Remote Pilot, I get to work with a really diverse mix of people who are really passionate about developing new solutions and new ways of doing things on site when it comes to drone technology.” 

Flying drones in the Western Australian Pilbara region can be challenging due to temperatures easily, and regularly, exceeding 40 degrees. 

“High temperature, high altitudes and high humidity all affect lift,” Shaun said. 

“Luckily, some of the newer drones can operate in conditions up to 50 degrees.”