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Jack of all trades

To celebrate Operations Services (OS) turning five, we’re celebrating the people of OS. 

Meet Jack Doyle, a Maintenance Redesign Specialist, who just celebrated his three-year anniversary with OS. 

Before joining the OS team, Jack was a rigger working shutdowns across other mine sites for a contracting company. With a newborn in the family, he was craving the security of permanent employment instead of not knowing when his next job may or may not be.  

“I distinctly remember the evening my letter of offer came through to be a maintenance associate for the then OS Mechanical Conveyors team - I celebrated then, and am still celebrating now,” Jack explained. 

“Three years, two positions, multiple sites, and hundreds of friends and colleagues met along the way.” 

Jack started in OS in a roaming deployment as a maintenance associate, working across almost every WA Iron Ore site – Port, Jimblebar, Yandi, Whaleback, Mining Area C, South Flank. No month was the same. 

In his current Perth-based role, Jack is a project manager that connects to all the different OS deployments across WA Iron Ore to help them with the design and supply of tooling or equipment improvements that reduce or eliminate the risk of injury, and enable their diverse workforce - all while maintaining or increasing the teams efficiency.   

His day-to-day activities expand across solution conception with deployment teams, benefit assessment, design refinement with vendors, gaining approvals through engineering, obtaining financial endorsement, product delivery, and change management. 

“Project managing work scopes with a capital value of more than two million that create systemic positive changes within OS deployments and frontline personnel has truly been a personal highlight for me so far,” Jack said. 

“It’s been an experience with many smiles. If the past is a predictor for the future, I’m a very fortunate person. Thanks BHP and OS for giving me the opportunity to stretch my wings and challenge myself!” 

His advice to anyone else considering a career in the industry? “If it feels right, go for it! The breadth of roles and type of work that you can do is near on unimaginable. Everybody has to start somewhere, and entering the mining and resource industry could simply be your first step to unlocking a fulfilling career.” 

“If I could share some advice that opened doors for me when I was searching for my dream role – it would be ‘show your natural strengths and challenge yourself’. You will shine and continue to grow, and before you know it – the opportunity will be there.” 

Outside of work, Jack strives to be the best dad he can be for his daughter, a supportive partner to his wife and a loyal dog owner. All while juggling his other interests of keeping physically active and socialising with family and friends.