
Voices for action against racism

Every year on 21 March, communities around the world observe International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to foster a global culture of tolerance, equality and anti-discrimination.

The event commemorates the day the police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful protest against apartheid and apartheid laws in Sharpeville, South Africa, in 1960. 

The United Nations emphasises that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies.

Sadly, racism takes many forms. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity, accent or national origin, and can take the form of everyday racism (like derogatory language) or structural racism, which is bias in policies, processes and systems.

Racial discrimination is less obvious than it once was. Whilst this may provide comfort for some, the reality is that many in our society, and therefore our workplaces, continue to be impacted by racial discrimination. Our journey towards the eradication of racism is far from over.

Vandita Pant, Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Sponsor for Racial Equity, said there is no place for racism at BHP or anywhere in our society.

“At BHP, the diversity of our workforce is one of our greatest strengths,” said Vandita.

“A workforce made up of a wide range of people from different backgrounds brings a range of different perspectives, capabilities, and overall benefits that diverse teams bring.

“We want every person to feel empowered and safe to bring their whole selves to work. This starts with the right attitude, words, and actions of every individual.

“Ultimately, we know what kind of company we want to be; one where everyone feels seen, heard, valued, and treated with dignity and respect,” said Vandita.

Vice President for Health and Hygiene, Doctor Rod Gutierrez said fostering a diverse, inclusive, and psychologically healthy workforce is what we aspire to at BHP.

“Racism is damaging to one’s mental health because it challenges our notion of ‘self’. It attempts to define who we are against our choice and negates our personal stories and is one of the few psychosocial hazards that has such a deep effect on our psychology," said Doctor Gutierrez.

"For this reason, at BHP, it is imperative that we work collectively to identify and eliminate racism and enable everyone to thrive and have a sense of belonging. We are engaging the whole business and inviting everyone to the dialogue. Together we are imagining a future free of racial discrimination."

 We are at the early stages of reviewing our policies, processes, and behaviours, to prevent racism in our workplace.

These include:

  • A review of how we respond to racism matters, with a culturally safe and proportionate approach, providing support to impacted people as well as options around resolution pathways;
  • listening to employees to get a better-informed perspective on racism;
  • a racial equity working group led by Chief Commercial Officer, Vandita Pant;
  • and building capability in our leaders to make sure they’re equipped to recognise and call out racial behaviour.

Learn more about inclusion and diversity at BHP here.