five indigenous woman collage photo

Production technician and passionate photographer - meet Stacey.

What is your name and job title? 

My name is Stacey Parsons and I am a production technician for Operations Services at Daunia mine in the Bowen Basin, Queensland. I am also very passionate about photography. On my days off, l enjoy photography and seeing the happiness in people's faces when they see their images! 

How long have you worked for BHP?

I have worked for BHP for just over 2 years.

What does a typical day at BHP look like for you?

There is no typical day, which is great. It’s a job that doesn’t require sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Every scenario is different, yet challenging.

What’s your favourite thing about working at BHP?

The lifestyle and financial stability it gives me and my children. Also the crew I work with. We are always working together to help each other through tough times and celebrate the good times. With mining life, being away from home and family, can be challenging. Having that support and positive people around you makes all the difference.

In the last six months, what’s been your or your team’s greatest achievement?

Daunia reached 100Mt of safe production in July 2022.

What are you most proud about working for BHP?

That I am a part of the amazing BHP team at Daunia, one of the world’s first fully autonomous open cut mine.

What are you passionate about when you’re not at work?

My children and my photography. I recently returned from attending the International Mining & Resources Conference, in Sydney, with the Indigenous Women and Mining Resources Australia group. This is where I had the opportunity to photograph the women below.

(Left to right)

Luarna is the chairperson of Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation. Luarna is a traditional owner of Bowen Basin. She is also proud mother, grandmother and Barada Barna woman. 

Keeshia is a proud Antakirinja Yankunytjatjara woman from Coober Pedy, South Australia. Keshia works for BHP at Olympic Dam as a Environmental Technician.

Kiamha is a proud Bidjara, Gangalidda, Waanyi & Wakka Wakka woman. Kiamha is based at Goonyelle Riverside mine as BMA Maintenance Supervisor. 

Lorraine is a proud Whadjuk Nyoongar lady from Perth but also has connections to Ballardong & Gnarla Karla Booja tribes. Lorraine works for BHP as a Production Technician at Jimblebar mine located in Western Australia.

Images courtesy of Stacey Lee Photography.

indigenous women collage photo