30 September 2022
Signage and print business, Blak Line Industries is one of 360 approved Pilbara businesses benefiting from BHP’s Local Buy Program (LBP).
Locally our WA Iron Ore operations spent $60.7 million with the program in financial year 2022. In fact, since inception in 2017, nearly 9000 work instructions totalling over $154 million in value have been executed through the program. That’s big!
Hearing the individual stories that make up the volume of spend, is a wonderful reminder of the thriving community we operate in locally. By providing shorter payment terms, easier sign on processes and lighter terms and conditions, the LBP is an excellent avenue for local businesses to supply direct to BHP.
This was the case for Raquel Todd, founder and director of Blak Line Industries and an Aboriginal woman from the Banyjima and Kariyarra language groups in the Pilbara region. She said Local Buy connected her business with BHP.
“It has provided a marketing opportunity within BHP and has increased our opportunities through sole source and direct sourcing”, Raquel said.
“LBP is a great program for us and the BHP site teams know they can come direct to us, and know they are engaging an Indigenous business.
“It has a real impact in supporting local employment in the community, I have three female staff and am eager to grow and expand.”
Visit the Local Buy Program website to learn more.
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