28 September 2021
More than 2000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have gone into the arms of local residents at the BHP funded Vanguard Health vaccine clinic in Moranbah, and more than 800 people are now fully vaccinated.
Local mother Alaina Earl and her daughter Jessie Earl rolled up their sleeves to get their first dose of the vaccine at the clinic. An Year 11 student at Moranbah State High School, Jessie was keen to promote getting the vaccine among her peers.
“I chose to get vaccinated to help protect the vulnerable in my community, and to demonstrate to people in my age group that getting vaccinated is simple and safe!,” Jessie said.
“My friends and I often talked about the importance of being vaccinated, and once the opportunity opened up for people in my age group to receive the vaccine, I jumped at it! Many of my peers are also making the decision to get vaccinated,” she added.
As we get closer to the national vaccine targets and the country and economy begins to open back up, Jessie has her eyes set on international travel.
“Thankfully we haven’t been affected by many of the restrictions faced in other parts of the country this year, but I am looking forward to being able to travel more freely, not only Australia, but the rest of the world,” Jessie said.
The BHP funded clinic, run by Vanguard Health, aims to administer 500 doses of the vaccine each week.
Residents in the region can make a booking at the clinic by visiting the Queensland Health website: https://www.vaccinebookings.health.qld.gov.au/registerforvaccination/
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