09 May 2016
BHP Billiton employees Deirdra Tindale and Adam Lancey from NSW Energy Coal have been recognised by the New South Wales Minerals Council for their achievements in the resources industry.
Deirdra Tindale, Manager Corporate Affairs and Government Relations, was named as a finalist in the Exceptional Woman in NSW Mining category and Adam Lancey, Manager Logistics and Transformation, was named as a finalist in the Gender Diversity Champion category.
This is the second time that Deirdra has been nominated for her outstanding work in advancing women in mining, particularly for her role in establishing the Hunter Valley Women in Mining Network.
“I enjoy my role as Chair of WIMnet NSW and am passionate about ensuring that women working in the resources industry have that network available to them. To be recognised for this work is very rewarding,” Deirdra said.
The award for Exceptional Woman will be presented at an Awards dinner at Parliament House on Thursday 12 May. The award for Gender Diversity Champion will be presented during the NSW Minerals Council’s Industry and Suppliers Conference on Friday 13 May, followed by a panel discussion about the value, opportunities and challenges for women working in the mining industry in NSW. Adam will take part in this panel discussion.
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