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Gary Goldberg

Director of BHP Group Limited

BS (Mining Engineering), MBA 


Independent Non-executive Director since February 2020

Senior Independent Director since December 2020

Skills and experience

Gary Goldberg has over 40 years’ global executive experience, including deep experience in mining, strategy, risk, commodity value chain, capital allocation discipline and public policy. 

Gary was the Chief Executive Officer of Newmont Corporation (from 2013 to 2019), and prior to that, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto Minerals. Gary has also been a Non-executive Director of Port Waratah Coal Services Limited and Rio Tinto Zimbabwe, and served as Vice Chair of the World Gold Council, Treasurer of the International Council on Mining and Metals, Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum Mining and Metals Industry community and Chair of the National Mining Association in the United States.

Gary is recognised for his leadership in bringing the mining industry together to raise standards in safety and environmental performance in conjunction with community and government partnerships in America and around the world. He has management experience in implementing strategies focused on safety, decarbonisation and transformational investment for commodities with long-dated cycles, along with his contribution to policy development in environmental management globally. 

Current appointments 

Gary is a Director of Imperial Oil Limited (since May 2023).

Committee membership

Sustainability Committee, Nomination and Governance Committee