08 agosto 2014
Students in the community of Muswellbrook, near our NSW Energy Coal Asset, learned some new dance moves this week and heard about the inspiration behind them thanks to a partnership between BHP Billiton and Bangarra Dance Theatre.
BHP Billiton is supporting Australia’s premier Indigenous dance company to deliver its National Touring Program and Community Outreach Program, which aims to connect traditional culture with contemporary lives.
In particular, BHP Billiton’s investment gave Muswellbrook students the rare opportunity to work with and learn from Bangarra artists during a series of storytelling, song and dance workshops.
Peter Sharpe, NSW Energy Coal Asset President, said the partnership demonstrates BHP Billiton’s commitment to promoting greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture, values and traditions.
“BHP Billiton is working to support and achieve reconciliation within our workplaces, our businesses and the communities in which we operate,” he said.
“A key part of our Company’s Reconciliation Action Plan includes developing effective engagement programs with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
“Our partnership with Bangarra will allow local Aboriginal students to gain a first-hand appreciation of the link between traditional Aboriginal culture and new forms of dance theatre.
“Through these workshops, cultural knowledge and skills will be transferred to the next generation of Aboriginal leaders, which is extremely important to ensuring that the rich cultural traditions remain alive and well in the Upper Hunter,” Mr Sharpe said.
In addition to the workshops held at St James Primary School, Muswellbrook High School and Muswellbrook South Primary School, a student ‘Show and Tell’ event was held where local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students performed dance routines learned during the Bangarra workshops.
During their time in Muswellbrook, members of the Bangarra Dance Troupe also joined Mt Arthur Coal employees and management in a reconciliation celebration at the mine site.
Philippe Magid, Bangarra Dance Theatre Executive Director, said Bangarra is grateful for the support of BHP Billiton and proud of their 12 year partnership.
“Support from BHP Billiton has enabled Bangarra to bring world-class productions to Australian audiences, showcasing the best of Indigenous contemporary dance theatre,” he said.
“Since 2012, BHP Billiton’s funding has allowed us to reach thousands of young indigenous people through our outreach programs, including special performances and 60 dedicated workshops involving over 1,100 students,” Mr Magid said.
For more information about Bangarra Dance Theatre, please visit www.bangarra.com.au.