La inversión social es una de las herramientas de nuestro enfoque global para contribuir a la creación de valor social. Consideramos que tenemos éxito cuando trabajamos en colaboración con las comunidades para lograr resultados sociales, medioambientales y económicos a largo plazo.
Ya sea que brindemos apoyo a agricultores locales en Chile o nos asociemos con AFL Women's en toda Australia, la "inversión social" es nuestra contribución voluntaria hacia iniciativas que tienen el propósito principal de contribuir a resultados beneficiosos fuera de la huella de BHP.
En cuanto al rendimiento de la inversión social en los últimos cinco años, BHP ha financiado proyectos y donaciones por un valor de 754 millones de dólares estadounidenses con un enfoque continuo en la capacidad humana, el desarrollo económico, la inclusión social y la restauración del medioambiente.
Después de alcanzar nuestros objetivos públicos de sostenibilidad previos a cinco años en el año fiscal 2022, BHP desarrolló nuevos objetivos para 2030 a fin de aumentar nuestras ambiciones de cara al final de la década. Estos objetivos representan un cambio de nuestra estrategia de inversión social hacia la asociación, la escucha y la creación conjunta, y reconocen que abordar desafíos como la resiliencia de la comunidad y el medioambiente requiere una estrecha colaboración de la comunidad y las partes interesadas.
Los objetivos de 2030 ayudarán a guiar a BHP para ampliar el compromiso con los socios, crear capacidad y codiseñar enfoques para obtener resultados positivos y prosperidad compartida para las personas y nuestro planeta.
Nuestro enfoque y postura
Nuestro enfoque de la realización de proyectos de inversión social, donaciones, subvenciones y asociaciones se ajusta a los pilares del marco de valor social y se describe en nuestra Estrategia de Inversión Social. En la estrategia se enmarca el enfoque de BHP respecto de la inversión social voluntaria en todos los niveles de la organización y se basa en 4 principios rectores, por los que las inversiones sociales son: Integradas y coherentes, duraderas, basadas en el riesgo y orientadas al valor social, y centradas en las soluciones y los resultados.
Mediante la estrategia se pretende contribuir a abordar los desafíos globales de desarrollo sostenible, conforme a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas (ODS), regidos por las Convenciones Globales de las Naciones Unidas más relevantes y comprometiéndonos a trabajar en colaboración con otros para alcanzar objetivos compartidos.
Nos asociamos con una amplia gama de grupos comunitarios, institutos nacionales y mundiales, organismos gubernamentales y organizaciones sin fines de lucro para comprender los desafíos compartidos del desarrollo sostenible en cada uno de nuestros pilares de valor social y áreas de interés asociadas. Las áreas de interés (figura 2) son los temas en los que se centrará cada pilar de valor social para alcanzar los objetivos de 2030 fuera de nuestras zonas de actividad.
Utilizamos la información recopilada en colaboración con nuestros socios y la combinamos con la investigación para planificar y priorizar nuestro gasto en inversión social. Los cuatro principios rectores descriptos anteriormente ayudan a nuestros equipos a garantizar que las oportunidades de inversión se diseñen e implementen de forma conjunta y equitativa, respetando las costumbres locales y contribuyendo a un cambio significativo y duradero.
El avance de nuestras inversiones sociales se supervisa en función de los resultados previstos para cada uno de los pilares de valor social. Los resultados (figura 2) son aquellos específicos que cada pilar pretende conseguir al utilizar los fondos de inversión social.
Los resultados y el desempeño se comunican públicamente a través del Informe Anual de BHP 2023 y las divulgaciones asociadas.
GovernanceFor information on the role of the BHP Board in overseeing our approach to and delivery on sustainability refer to our Sustainability approach webpage.
As a global company, we operate in diverse jurisdictions and interact with various community and non-government organisations, government bodies and research institutions. Through regular engagement with our stakeholders and research into environmental, workforce, community and supply chain concerns, we seek to understand, manage and respond to the expectations, priorities and risks faced in each of these areas.
At the local and regional scale, our Community and Indigenous Engagement team members are closely connected with our partners in the communities where we operate and engage to understand their priorities and challenges. At the national and global scale, the Sustainability and Social Value function and subject matter focused technical functions connect with industry bodies, think tanks and research organisations to understand challenges related to our industry that often transcend national boundaries, such as climate change, human rights and public health crises. We recognise the significance of two-way dialogue in highlighting concerns and perspectives and considering stakeholder perspectives is a core element of our approach. For more information on our engagement refer to our Local communities webpage.
Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental to our global social investment approach. We use a suite of metrics designed to aggregate and report performance against our social investment focus areas aligned to each social value framework pillar. We consistently assess and quantify the outcomes and impact of our Group-wide social investment.
Our total social investment is internally monitored and verified each quarter, then externally assured annually and publicly disclosed in our Annual Report and Economic Contribution Report, and as relevant in our Modern Slavery Statement.
Our voluntary social investment in FY2024 totalled US$136.7 million BHP equity share and resulted in the accomplishments shown below1. This investment consisted of:
- US$102.4 million in direct funding for initiatives in line with our social value framework
- US$15.2 million to non-operated joint venture social investment programs
- US$1.8 million under the BHP Matched Giving Program
- US$12.5 million in administrative costs to facilitate direct social investment activities3
- US$6.4 million supported the operations of the BHP Foundation
Social value pillars FY2024 Decarbonisation
- Through our support, initiatives relating to the Decarbonisation pillar contributed 24 data records to the public domain or databases, and convened or sponsored 56 education and knowledge-share events.
- 11 scientific or thought leadership papers were published from these initiatives and 124 new technologies, methodologies or standards or practices have been promoted or adopted.
Healthy environment
- We supported 36 investments in nature-based solutions and contributed to the conservation, restoration or improved management of 10,674 hectares.
- Out of the Healthy environment related initiatives, 74 education and knowledge-share events were convened or sponsored and 36 scientific or thought leadership papers have been published.
Indigenous partnerships
- 149 co-created Indigenous partnership initiatives were implemented. Of these initiatives, 51 environment-focused projects were delivered in collaboration with Indigenous peoples.
- We supported 308 education and knowledge-share events and 29 Indigenous-led research papers were published based on project/donation lessons learned and outcomes.
Safe, inclusive and future ready workforce
- We formed 18 partnerships with childcare providers to increase accessibility and employment in local communities where we operate. 229 education institutions aligned course content to business demand to better prepare participants for future work readiness.
- 42,131 people completed training or education courses designed to develop skills that align to social value outcomes. Over 4,660 of these participants were Indigenous people, and 26,121 were female. 438 participants reported finding paid employment following completion of their training/upskilling.
- We supported 306 specific education and knowledge-share events, and 19 pillar-related scientific/thought leadership papers were published.
Thriving, empowered communities
- Through our support, 939 councils, municipalities and organisations enhanced their capability to plan or deliver initiatives that contribute to improving infrastructure, technology use or resource use that enhances community resilience. 781 organisations, councils and institutions enhanced their internal capability to support and/or deliver solutions that contribute to building efficient and sustainable communities.
- 166 community-led and or co-designed projects were delivered, and 135,858 people were supported through programs aimed at addressing community-specific issues.
- 25,419 people completed training or education courses designed to develop skills that align to Pillar outcomes. Over 11,230 of these participants were Indigenous people, and 10,346 were female.
Responsible supply chains
- 64 education and knowledge-share events relating to this pillar were convened or sponsored and 43 new technologies, methodologies, standards or practices have been promoted or adopted.
- Of the total supply chain related initiatives, 26 were developed through co-creation initiatives and 2 resulted in scientific/thought-leadership papers published.
1 Social investment outcomes indicator reporting is sought for project and donations >US$100,000.
2 The BHP Foundation is a charitable organisation established and funded by BHP, which works in partnership with internationally recognised institutions, think tanks and non-government organisations to address some of the most critical sustainable development challenges facing society that are directly relevant to the resources sector.
3 The direct costs associated with implementing social investment activities, including labour, travel, research and development and communications.
Matched Giving Program
We are proud to support the organisations that are important to our employees. Through our Matched Giving Program, BHP matches personal donations made by our employees to eligible not-for-profit organisations at a ratio of 2:1, meaning that for every dollar donated by our employees BHP donates two dollars.
Our Matched Giving Program currently features over 100 eligible organisations around the world, with their official chapters (if applicable) in other locations also eligible.
Nuestras inversiones sociales están sujetas a unos requisitos de desempeño mínimos obligatorios basados en el riesgo, así como a una revisión de su adecuación a los planes de inversión social y de valor social específicos del Grupo y de los Assets. Los controles y equilibrios adecuados que aplicamos contribuyen a garantizar que los fondos se utilicen donde sean más beneficiosos, que las transacciones financieras se realicen de forma ética y que se controle el riesgo de conducta financiera indebida o fraude.
Para obtener más información sobre la gestión del riesgo, consulte el Informe Anual 2023 de BHP, Revisión Operativa y Financiera, sección 8 - Cómo gestionamos el riesgo.
Estudios de casos de sostenibilidad, límites organizacionales, definiciones y descargos de responsabilidad, y descargas
Prior year versions of some of the listed documents are available on the Past reports page.- BHP Annual Report 2024 pdf 16192519
- Sustainability reporting organisational boundary, definitions and disclaimers pdf 161998
- BHP ESG Standards and Databook 2024 xlsx 2555913
- BHP Modern Slavery Statement 2024 pdf 4092160
- BHP Climate Transition Action Plan 2024 pdf 8480121
- BHP GHG Emissions Calculation Methodology 2024 pdf 1028031
- CDP 2023 Submission Not Graded pdf 1053064
- Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management – Public Disclosure 2024 pdf 2809793
- Tailings Storage Facility Policy Statement 2023 pdf 73457
- Information for social investment partners pdf 26113
- Industry response to SBTI scope 3 discussion paper
- Estudios de caso