16 mayo 2022
Adelaide Meet the Buyer event renews commitments to do more with local, Traditional Owner and Indigenous suppliers
Concerted focus from the highest levels of the business, through to champions at our operations, together with increased commercial commitments, are boosting Traditional Owner and Indigenous procurement outcomes across BHP’s Minerals Australia Assets.
Our engagement with South Australian Indigenous businesses reached new heights in April, with the hosting of the first Traditional Owner and Indigenous business meet the buyer event in Adelaide.
The breakthrough event provided an opportunity for 30 select Indigenous vendors to showcase their work at a trade show attended by key procurement and supply representatives from our Olympic Dam business.
General Managers Justin Bauer and Paul Cuthbert from Olympic Dam copper mine spoke at the event about the value and importance of Indigenous businesses to our plans for sustainable growth.
Welcome to Country was performed by Kaurna People Traditional Owner representative Robert Taylor, and a Q&A was held with recently engaged Indigenous businesses Outback Mining Services and WBE.