14 diciembre 2017
We’re proud of our community involvement, so as 2017 comes to a close, we’re looking back on some of the highlights from our 2017 community news and activities.
Our involvement in indigenous STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
This year, the BHP Billiton Foundation funded the first ever national CSIRO Indigenous STEM Awards in Australia. We were very happy to announce one of the two student winners – a Maryborough high school student, Greta Stephenson. Greta said the winning the award has strengthened her determination to become an engineer.
BHP doubles apprentice and trainee intake
BHP more than doubled the combined intake of apprenticeships and traineeships in Western Australia Iron Ore to 200 positions for 2018. BHP WA Iron Ore Asset President, Edgar Basto, said expanding the intake for these programs allowed more apprentices and trainees to gain skills and experience working in a global company and would help them build a career locally or internationally.
BHP leads new era of climate change adaptability in Trinidad and Tobago
In August this year, BHP invested US$660,000 as part of its global focus on climate change and an overall commitment to environmental preservation and the protection of community livelihoods.
Recognising mathematical achievement, creativity and excellence in Australian schools
The national Choose Maths Awards are part of the Choose Maths program, a partnership between the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute and the BHP Billiton Foundation, to strengthen maths teaching and encourage girls to study and pursue careers in mathematics. Recognising ten teachers, the BHP Billiton Foundation awarded prize money for both the teachers and their programs this year.
Women in leadership: BHP featured among top Australian companies leading the way.
We’re very proud of our gender equality work, and this year, BHP had positive case studies featured in the Women in Leadership: Lessons from Australian companies leading the way report. The report reveals a common recipe for success among those companies that have above-average representation of women in top roles.
The above is a brief snapshot of our work this year – you can read more by scrolling through our community news archive. Thank you to everyone who has helped, and continues to help, deliver these initiatives – our employees and their families, our program partners and communities across all our sites – we value your contribution.