08 marzo 2021
BHP’s Vital Resources Fund is contributing A$500,000 to support CQUniversity’s proposed First Nations Disaster Management (FNDM) Hub in North Queensland.
The First Nations National Disaster Management Hub, based at CQUniversity’s Townsville campus, will lead the development of a centre for national and international expertise to analyse and innovate on emergency and disaster management for First Nations communities.
CQUniversity Deputy Vice-President of Indigenous Engagement, Professor Adrian Miller, welcomes the funding that will provide the foundation for the development of the Hub.
“Thanks to BHP’s support Vital Resource Fund, the Office of Indigenous Engagement will undertake research to gain valuable insights into priority areas of disaster management that affects First Nations populations.
“This funding boost will allow us to appoint four research positions for the disaster management research,” he explained.
CQUniversity’s purpose for the Hub is to plan for, and respond to, the impact of disasters caused by natural or human-induced hazards as well as environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks.
BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) Asset President, James Palmer, said the Vital Resources Fund is delivering support to the people and communities who need it the most.
“Through this project, we aim to contribute to the social and cultural support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – a key commitment in our Reconciliation Action Plan.”
BHP’s $50 million Vital Resources Fund was established in March to support regional health services and providers, community organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and local businesses deal with the impacts of COVID-19.
Find more information about the Vital Resources Fund here.